Home Texas All about Texas Residential drugs and Alcohol rehabs

All about Texas Residential drugs and Alcohol rehabs


The second-largest state in the US is Texas, with a population of nearly 28 Million. As per the report of SUD 2018, out of 100 citizens, 8 are suffering from different types of drug addiction.

The increased rate of death due to drug addiction from 2015 to 2020 is 9.5 per 100,000 to 14.3 per 100,000. 4,506 deaths in 2020-2021 including 5 in 100 youth and 8 in 100 adults, 1 each is suffering from alcohol and drug-related SUD.

Houston, Odessa, and Austin, TX are the most drug-addicted cities in Texas and for that reason, there are many drug rehab centers in Houston, Texas. Overall, Texas has the most drug treatment centers near metropolitan areas including Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas. However, finding a rehab anywhere in Texas is not a big challenge. According to The Substance Abuse and mental health service, in 2017, there were 431 Residential drug rehabs in Texas, of which 108 are residential alcohol and drug treatment programs and 41 are inpatient rehab centers.

Texas Residential Drugs Rehabs:

Rehab centers in Texas provide 24 hours care to the patient required due to severe addiction. They provide the way possible to help the patients recover and live sober lives. The patients who need critical attention are advised to get admitted to the inpatient drug treatment rehab, and others can be admitted to residential drugs and alcohol rehabs.

However, choosing the right alcohol rehab treatment center for you might be challenging a little bit.

Here enlist some options you can match your situation with and get admission into your favorable program.

Recovery Housing:

A shorter program helps people change from depending on drugs to sobriety.

Short inpatient treatment:

Shorter term inpatient treatment programs in Texas will offer bits of help for all ages who require help with medication or any other cure.

Curative Circle:

6 months to a year structured program is required for a severe drug addict.

Providing Addiction Treatment with Mental Health Treatment:

Texas residential drugs and alcohol rehabs provide treatment to those who are suffering from mental health disorders and drug addiction.

Around 4.46% of people are suffering from PTSD with SUD.

Experts available at drug and alcohol rehabs centers analyze the patient’s condition and facilitate them with the medication that matches their condition.

Immediate detoxification and its need:

Detoxification treatment at one of Texas’ drug and alcohol detox centers provides a way to manage the harmful effects of withdrawing the drug use. It might give the fatal outcome but helps to stop the severe symptoms of withdrawal and maintain sobriety for the long term.

Detoxification supports the inpatient drug rehabs treatment and increases the chance of long-term recovery because it eliminates the drug’s substance from your body and makes it clean.

Texas Alcohol and Drugs Rehabs Programs:

Now, every drug addict needs treatment to find sobriety, because addiction is also taken as a persistent disease that takes time and effort to fade away. Every addicted person requires different drug rehabilitation programs to get cured, depending on the type of addiction they have.

It is obvious that addiction doesn’t cause only physical illness to a person, but psychological, social, and behavioral issues also occur. Which need to be treated at the same time. First of all,  the rehab centers provide detoxification.

However, for the other behavioral issues, drugs and alcohol rehabs bring more solutions.

Personalized Recovery Programs:

Alcohol rehab centers in Houston and other parts of Texas help patients to find the root cause of their addiction, depending on individual conditions, which makes it easy to overcome the addiction.

Structured Treatment Programs:

These programs include proper routined activities, therapies for the patients to actively participate in the program without confusion. They also offer them a break during the activities they perform, including a safe environment for the patients practicing their coping skills.

Healthy Atmosphere:

The most crucial requirement during the treatment of drug addiction is the atmosphere, which makes the surroundings favorable to overcome addiction. Everyone there understands each other’s situation and functions according to that which is the healthiest and most compassionate factor to overcome the addiction.

All-time access to medical and psychiatric support:

To avoid the symptoms that occur post leaving the drugs, during the readjustment of the body without drugs patients need strict supervision of medical and psychiatric. To help this, the Residential drugs and alcohol rehabs provide full-time supervision of the experts.

Goal Setting:

Residential drugs and alcohol rehabs help the addict to set goals of finding sobriety and maintaining it for the long term. This is the crucial factor required in self-care and overcoming addiction.

Cost Of Rehabs in Texas:

The cost of alcohol rehabs in Texas highly depends on the amount of care the patient needs and the facilities they are providing. However, they accept multiple payment methods i.e. 60% of the drug rehab receive health plans, half of the rehabs accept Medicaid, and 90% of rehabs go with self-payment.

However, there are free alcohol rehabs in Texas for the ones who cannot afford the high fees structure of the treatment program.