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20 years later, still no trial date for 9/11 mastermind

The man accused of masterminding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States is awaiting trial, almost 20 years after his arrest in 2003.

When arrested in 2003, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the most prominent terrorist suspect in an attack that left 2,977 people dead. new york post.

After being dragged from his hideout in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, on March 1, 2003, Mohammed was taken to a detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where he awaited trial.

It was “a terrible tragedy for the families of the victims,” ​​said David Kelly, a former US attorney in New York, referring to the US government’s failure to bring the alleged terrorists to justice.

Kelly, who co-chaired the Justice Department’s national investigation into the attacks, added that the Guantanamo situation “has caused a great scar in the country’s history.”

But experts say trying Mohammed in a civilian court may be difficult because of the “enhanced interrogation techniques” imposed on him by CIA operatives. Critics say his 183 known cases of waterboarding amounted to torture. This could mean that the information Mohammed provided at the time may not be admissible in private courts.

In addition, plans to bring Muhammad to justice through military tribunals are also in trouble. But the families of the victims say they simply want it closed.

“It’s important to me that America finally gets to the truth about what happened and how it was done,” she said on the floor.

Haberman has made four visits to Guantanamo from his home in Wisconsin and has always been disappointed.

“I personally would love to see this brought to justice,” he said.

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https://www.newsmax.com/us/911-2001-khalidshaikhmohammed/2022/09/10/id/1086898 20 years later, still no trial date for 9/11 mastermind

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