
Wells Fargo payroll missing: Bank reports technical problems

Washington — many wells fargo Customers are complaining Friday morning after their online banking accounts seem to have run out of money.

In a statement, the bank said it was aware that “while some customers’ direct deposit transactions are not shown in their accounts, the funds in their accounts are accurate and available.”

Wells Fargo responded, “We are working quickly to resolve the issue and apologize for the inconvenience. Customer accounts remain secure.”

The bank initially posted a notice on its mobile app on Friday morning, saying that if customers see missing transactions or incorrect balances, it could be due to a “technical issue.”

https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/nation-world/wells-fargo-customers-report-money-missing/507-c695e016-edda-4d32-af3b-83e35f815c6e Wells Fargo payroll missing: Bank reports technical problems

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