
Trump Lawyer Who Advised Republicans About Fake Electoral College Plan Reappointed To State Judiciary Committee

Lawyers for former President Donald Trump, who worked to reverse his losses in battleground Wisconsin, have ruled four conservative judges on the state Supreme Court in their second term on a committee that advises judges on judicial conduct. Reappointed by the officer.

Jim Troupis’ reappointment to the panel was approved Thursday by a 4-3 vote by the Wisconsin Supreme Court, with all three liberal justices dissenting. The Wisconsin Journal reported.

Judicial Complaints Regarding the 2020 Wisconsin Election
File: Trump campaign attorney Jim Trupis discusses election security and the 2020 election process during a Senate hearing on Capitol Hill on December 16, 2020.

Jim Law Scalzo/AP

The first term of Torpis’ Judicial Action Advisory Board was due to expire on Tuesday. Upon court reappointment, he will remain on the committee until his March 7, 2026 date.

His reappointment comes about a month before the April 4th election, which will determine the court’s majority for at least the next two years. One of his four conservative justices who voted to reappoint Troupis, he retires.

Troupis is a former Dane County Circuit Court Judge who represented Trump when he tried to overturn President Joe Biden’s victory in Wisconsin in 2020.

In that case, Trump tried to disqualify over 221,000 votes Two of Wisconsin’s most Democratic counties. He did not contest the vote of the county that won. One state Supreme Court justice harshly criticized Torpis during the debate.

“This lawsuit, Mr. Torpis, reeks of racism,” Justice Jill Karofsky told Torpis early in his argument. I don’t know how you can ask for…that’s not normal.”

Troupis also advised Republicans on plans to get fake voters to vote for Trump in Wisconsin, even if he lost.

Troupis is a defendant in a lawsuit filed by Democrats seeking $2.4 million in damages from bogus electors and the lawyers who advised them. Also on Thursday, a liberal attorney filed an ethics complaint against former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman, who was hired by Republicans to consider the 2020 election. The complaint, filed with the Office of Lawyer Regulation, alleges Gableman “embracing conspiracy theories, spreading lies, denying facts, denouncing the character of those he sees as adversaries, and abusing legal process.” I’m here.

Congress Speaker Robin Vos said he was “very confident” in his abilities when he hired Gableman in 2021. called it “embarrassing”.

The complaint will be reviewed in private and, if any disciplinary action is recommended, ultimately the Wisconsin Supreme Court will decide whether to impose the penalty.

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-attorney-fake-electors-wisconsin-judicial-panel/ Trump Lawyer Who Advised Republicans About Fake Electoral College Plan Reappointed To State Judiciary Committee

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