Top Winners in the Canadian CS:GO Arena

Since its first release date, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has been surviving severe competition and has become a trend-setter in the gaming industry. It keeps on setting records during its championships and tournaments, attracting the attention of fans worldwide.

In Canada, this solution is definitely in the top 5 of the most popular disciplines. What is a success secret and how does CS:GO develop in the region? Stay tuned to find out more!

What Makes It Popular Among Canadians

Someone believes that CS:GO is more dead than alive, but facts speak for themselves. For instance, the previous Major Championship’s grand final has gathered over two and a half million viewers in front of their gadgets’ screens. Please send your congratulations to Natus Vincere, the champions of the PGL Major Stockholm 2021. By the way, they haven’t dropped a map and become first for this parameter too.

As you can see, the interest in CS:GO is burning. Here are some of the reasons that make this esport so tempting and exciting for Canadians:

Leading Players in Canada

People often underestimate how popular Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is in Canada. Thanks to global ratings, it is easier to track who is fascinated about this esport. Just imagine how many treasures are hidden behind the official statistics:

CS:GO Events in Canada

The playing community in the target country is active. Regional events aren’t less popular than major events like the recent championship in Stockholm. Here are a few samples:

The Final Verdict

Counter-Strike has an interesting gameplay and a large number of fans, so future progress and development are highly expected. The way it evolves in different regions helps people better understand its features and how attractive it seems in the eyes of the residents in several lands. In Canada, more and more players have a burning desire to become a professional CS:GO gamer, and local events and tournaments maintain this wish.

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