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Time to let go of the “conspiracies of the past”

phoenix – Democratic Senator Mark Kelly A day after winning re-election to a crucial Senate seat, he called on Arizonans to let go of “past conspiracies” and to unite.

Arizona has been at the center of former President Donald Trump’s move to overturn the 2020 election, calling into question the legitimacy of President Joe Biden’s victory. Kelley urged past the false allegations of electoral fraud that have shaped state politics for the past two years.

Kerry defeated the Republican Party break mastersalong with most of the rest of the GOP slate, was endorsed by Trump after pushing the lie that the 2020 election was stolen.

“After a long election, it can be tempting to stay focused on what divides us,” Kelly said in his victory speech at a Mexican restaurant in Phoenix. We have seen the consequences of focusing on the conspiracies of the past rather than solving the challenges we face today.”

Kelly won distance yourself from Biden He threw himself into the mold of his predecessor, the late Republican John McCain, and his influence is still felt four years after his death. Power is felt in Arizona politics.

He said he remembers everyday sitting in the seat that McCain once had. special election two years ago McCain’s term ends. His victory this year would give him six years from his January.

“Sen. McCain personified what it is to be a leader at a time when states and countries remained divided,” Kelly said.

A former NASA astronaut and four-time spaceflighter, Kelly is married to a former US Congressman. Gabby GiffordsShe impacted the nation with her recovery from a gunshot wound to the head in a 2011 assassination attempt that killed six people and wounded 13 others. Co-founded the Gun Safety Advocacy Group.

Giffords, whose promising political career was cut short by the shooting, sang along to the music when Kelly was introduced on Saturday and stood beside him glowing as he spoke.

Kelly and Giffords were at an Elton John concert in Phoenix on Friday night when they learned that the Associated Press and other news outlets had called for the race.

Kerry’s victory would prevent Democrats from gaining control of the House for the next two years of Biden’s presidency.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ Tie Vote Keeps Democrats Alive senate control by winning either nevada race, it’s too early to call, or next month’s spill in Georgia. For the Republican Party to win a majority, it must win both of these races.

Masters disagreed, saying in a statement that his team would ensure all legitimate votes were counted.

“In the end, if Senator Kerry has more than I do, I congratulate him on his hard-fought victory,” Masters said. It’s not the media, let’s count the votes.”

The AP declared Kelly the winner after the 75,000-vote results in Maricopa County were announced and it became clear that the Masters would not be able to make up his deficit.

Hours ago, Masters told Fox News that Maricopa County, by far the largest county in the state, should stop counting ballots and start over.

County Elections Office spokeswoman Megan Gilbertson confirmed the votes were mixed at the two vote centers, but said there were contingencies to adjust each batch to get an accurate number. She said similar mistakes had been made before, and the process has been in place for decades and is overseen by observers from both parties.

“There is no legal process to stop counting and start over,” says Gilbertson. “In Maricopa County, we follow the law as it is written.”

The high-profile gubernatorial race between Democrat Katie Hobbs and Republican Kari Lake came too early to call on Saturday. Maricopa, Pima and Yavapai counties, which accounted for the overwhelming majority of uncounted votes, were expected to continue counting on Saturday and announce new results in the evening.

At noon Saturday, about 50 conservative protesters gathered outside the fence around the Maricopa County election counting center to draw attention to their concerns about the vote as about 30 journalists watched.

The scene was noisy but peaceful, with many county sheriff’s deputies guarding the fenced-in complex nearby.

A few protesters wore ballistic vests or carried handguns. American flags, Lake’s campaign signs, “Kali Lake won,” “Count the votes,” and “Hobbes is a cheat.” Some even put up signs with slogans such as:


Associated Press writer Bob Christie contributed.


Follow AP’s coverage of the 2022 midterm elections at https://apnews.com/hub/2022-midterm-elections. Also, check out https://apnews.com/hub/explaining-the-elections to learn more about the issues and factors that will arise in the midterm elections.

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https://www.ksat.com/news/politics/2022/11/12/mark-kelly-time-to-let-go-of-conspiracies-of-the-past/ Time to let go of the “conspiracies of the past”

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