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Texas leads the way in terms of severe weather claims

Austin (KXAN) — A quarter of the way through 2023, insurers can now collect data on 2022 claims. This data is not good news for Texas. We were the state with the most severe weather insurance claims in the country.

KXAN meteorologist Nick Bannin spoke with Allstate Insurance Company’s Chris Lewis about new data on local weather claims.

Meteorologist Nick Bunnin: Chris, we have new data on the extent of severe weather in Texas. Compare that to the situation across the United States.

Chris Lewis, Allstate: Absolutely. So, while it’s probably not on the list we want to be at the top of, we’re number one in the country when it comes to bad weather, and we’ve been there pretty consistently over the last few years.

Bannin: What was the most common bad weather here in Texas in 2022?

Lewis: Yeah, definitely the biggest problem we see is wind, especially hail. Last year, he had 458 hailstorms across the state, with about 1.5 million buildings damaged by hail. Arguably, that’s the biggest problem we see.

Bannin: The roof is pretty expensive, so I think it’s just the cost of replacing the roof.

Lewis: that’s right. And like everything else, the cost of repairs continues to rise. So definitely a concern.

Bannin: How about a local here in Central Texas, especially in Austin Metro. Where did we rank for allegations of severe weather in the state? What did we have to deal with last year?

Lewis: Absolutely. He here in Williamson County, one of the three big counties, was in the top 10 in Texas last year. In Williamson County he placed eighth, but Travis and Hayes were not on last year’s list. But looking at this year’s preliminary data, it looks like Travis County is definitely creeping onto the list.

Bannin: And let me remind people, it’s a list of…?

Lewis: List of Texas counties affected by severe weather.

Bannin: Well, here’s the list we don’t want to be on. But at least one in our county did. So you are already over the rankings. There is also data on the discrepancy between people’s serious weather concerns and those who are actually taking action and preparing for severe weather. can you talk about that?

Lewis: absolutely. yes. So, when I conducted joint research with Morning Consult, I found that they were very interested. they are worried about it. A home is one of the biggest investments you have. The data showed that 68% of people were very concerned about these natural disaster events, but 43% had plans to deal with them. It’s a pretty staggering number to show the disparity you’re talking about.

Bannin: Why are so many people interested but not taking action?

Lewis: “This can’t happen to me, can it?” This can’t happen to me. However, I think there are many things I don’t understand, such as “What should I do?” what does it look like? How can we make that plan?”

Bannin: For those who do nothing. What would you suggest they do before the next storm comes?

Lewis: Yeah, perfect question. So I think there are a few things people can do right now, number one is to review your insurance policies, no matter what company you’re with. Contact your agent, whether it’s Allstate or someone else, to find out what your coverage is. It is important to understand that We don’t like surprises. Also prepare disaster prevention goods. I think the ice storm we experienced a few years ago taught us that we need to provide basic things like water and food, and that we should not forget our pets when we put them together. Also make sure your charging block is ready to charge your iPhone and everything.

Inventory your stuff, right? We all hide things in our closets and under our beds that we don’t remember having. Taking inventory lets you know what you have.

Last but not least, have a plan. Just like when you go to cook your favorite meal, start with a recipe, make a plan, execute that plan, and have everyone in the house know where the kids need to go and who they need to call. confirm. When disaster strikes, we need to make sure everyone is prepared for it when it actually happens.

https://www.kxan.com/weather-traffic-qas/texas-no-1-state-for-severe-weather-insurance-claims/ Texas leads the way in terms of severe weather claims

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