Sherman’s housing needs soar as semiconductor fab progresses
The city of about 45,000 residents recently adopted an updated zoning map to reshape its planned development map to help guide its future growth.
Sherman, Texas — Many questions arise when two major manufacturers of semiconductor chips bring Sherman a massive project with thousands of new jobs.
One of the big questions: Where the hell do you live?
The city of about 45,000 residents recently Updated zoning map And we’ve restructured our planned development map to help guide future growth.The goal is to grow rapidly while retaining the community feel of longtime residents living there, Mayor Sherman David Preiler said in an interview with Dallas Business Journal this week.
In May 2022, Dallas-based Texas Instruments (Nasdaq: TI) built its first manufacturing facility at its $30 billion, four-fabrication semiconductor manufacturing campus in Sherman. Once completed, TI’s Sherman campus is the largest electronics manufacturing facility in Texas and is expected to be one of the nation’s largest manufacturing facilities. TI’s expansion is expected to create approximately 4,000 new jobs.
And in June 2022, GlobiTech, a subsidiary of Taiwan-based GlobalWafers Co., signed a deal to build a $5 billion semiconductor manufacturing facility in Sherman.
In the following Q&A, Plyler discusses steps the city is taking to pave the way for spectacular commercial and residential growth.
How does the zoning map take into account the growth Sherman is experiencing with two semiconductor manufacturing companies that have invested heavily and created thousands of jobs for Sherman?
It’s all related. Zoning maps are usually updated frequently. We start doing it every year, following a comprehensive master plan and state law. We’ll post when we update to give developers a good idea of what’s available in Sherman.
As you know, our community is undergoing a major transformation thanks to TI projects and Global Wafers. A new highway is being built. There are many developers here and many new homes being built. There is a boomtown. type of atmosphere. We have a zoning map and a comprehensive master plan to guide developers through development locations and help maintain a community feel.
How do you sustain your community and pave the way for massive growth?
Each town has its own individuality that has been nurtured over the years, and we would like to leave that behind. There are things people here enjoy and like, and planned development ordinances and such can be used to welcome these new areas. Our entire city benefits because each has its own identity and character. The central location of our community remains the same. (Planned Developments and Zoning Regulations) For most people, this is still Shaman, this is still my home, and we are now part of a larger group. , is a really good way to facilitate larger growth without causing a lot of disruption to old areas.
Given all the semiconductor manufacturing jobs coming in, have you quantified your housing needs in the next few years or even 10 years? ?
As you know, when TI comes in, it brings a lot of suppliers and material providers with it. Global Wafers work in much the same way. When these companies choose to locate in Sherman, we see an exponential effect as the supporting companies also enter.
we know a few things First, we know how many employees each of these factories employs. We know when it will open, so we can guess how many homes we need.
For example, the city of Sherman currently has more than 6,000 homes under construction or under construction. I am aware that production is scheduled to start at TI in the second half of 2024. Global Wafers also reflects such a schedule. So fast. In other words, we are not talking about five years from now. We’re talking three, maybe two. So our residential developers are really picking up steam, not just in the surrounding towns.
What is the housing situation in neighboring towns?
In Anna, Texas, many homes are moving in. In Gunther, Texas, many homes are moving in. But in practice, we find that areas with available water and utilities are served first. The City of Sherman is therefore well positioned in the target area for these developers.
This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity. Sherman’s housing needs soar as semiconductor fab progresses