Home Business Raptoreum cryptocurrency value goes up 5 times in just four days

Raptoreum cryptocurrency value goes up 5 times in just four days


We recently wrote about the Raptoreum, the new cryptocurrency that has been making waves. One of the highlights of its recent popularity is the fact that currency can be mined through PC’s main processors rather than the traditional (but expensive) method with algorithms designed to be especially quick on graphics cards.

And so it seems that the interest on the part of users in this coin has been noticed. In just four days Raptoreum saw its value increase up to 5 times.

Raptoreum value increased 5x in four days

The new Raptoreum cryptocurrency is gaining popularity little by little. The famous sport betting company 22Bet mobile is strongly considering using it as one of payment methods they offer. The fact that it starts to appear more frequently in the news has contributed to the increased awareness of this digital coin among more people.

Therefore it is not surprising that it did not take long for its popularity to be reflected in the value of this digital currency. Specifically, in just four days, the value of Raptoreum increased by 5 times.

At the time of writing this article, the new cryptocurrency was worth 0.05603 euros, whereas just four days ago this value was around 0.01143 euros. This Thursday (11) when we wrote for the first time about the currency, it was worth 0.03611 euros.

Raptoreum cryptocurrency value goes up 5 times in just four days

Compared to other coins such as the Ethereum which is currently worth over 4,000 euros, the Raptoreum’s value is simply ridiculous for how small it is. However, all digital currencies started that way and it was popularity and interest from users, especially miners and investors, that led them to where they are (in use and in value) today.

The cryptocurrency mined with processors

Unlike other cryptocurrencies, Raptoreum can be mined only if using processors. The most popular models for this purpose are the AMD Ryzen 9 and AMD Ryzen Threadripper lines, since the size of the L3 cache is important for mining this coin. But the focus of miners is mainly on the AMD Ryzen 9 5000 and 3000 lines due to availability.

Raptoreum cryptocurrency value goes up 5 times in just four days

To illustrate what setups people use, you can see this in the first images of Raptoreum’s mining systems that miners showed.