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Prince Charles waves to those who wish to attend church in Balmoral with his wife, Camilla

The King and Queen smiled at Sunday services on their way to Clathie Church in Balmoral this morning.

Prince Charles, 73, smiled and waved to the crowd as he traveled in his Rolls-Royce through the roads near his Balmoral mansion.

It was the first time the King and Queen attended church after a seven-day private mourning period. queen September 26th.

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The 73-year-old king waved to those gathered near the Clathie Church in Balmoral on Sunday morning as Queen Camilla watched.

Sunshine: Prince Charles attended a service with his wife, Camilla, 75. The couple spent time north of the border after the Queen's period of personal mourning ended.

Sunshine: Prince Charles attended a service with his wife, Camilla, 75. The couple spent time north of the border after the Queen’s period of personal mourning ended.

Dressed in a tweed jacket with a green and red tie, the King looked relaxed as he drove through the Scottish streets on a bright autumn day.

Dressed in a tweed jacket with a green and red tie, the King looked relaxed as he drove through the Scottish streets on a bright autumn day.

Charles no longer uses Balmoral as his primary Scottish residence, preferring the adjacent Bourkehall on the estate.

Charles no longer uses Balmoral as his primary Scottish residence, preferring the adjacent Bourkehall on the estate.

Afterwards, Camilla, who returned from the church service, smiled at the onlookers and waved.

Afterwards, Camilla, who returned from the church service, smiled at the onlookers and waved.

The Queen wore a navy coat with a tartan collar, pearl earrings and a matching necklace.

The Queen wore a navy coat with a tartan collar, pearl earrings and a matching necklace.

Dressed in a tweed jacket with a green and red tie, the King looked relaxed as he drove through the streets of Scotland on a bright autumn day.

By his side, the Queen wore a navy coat with a tartan collar and a red feathered beret, paired with pearl earrings and a matching necklace.

Charles no longer uses Balmoral as his primary residence in Scotland, preferring Bourkehall next door to the estate he inherited after the death of his grandmother, the Queen Mother.

Yesterday it was revealed that the King wants to turn Balmoral into a public memorial to the Queen.

The Scottish home, where the Queen spent her final days before her death on September 8, features exhibits with permanent spaces honoring the late monarch’s legacy.

In fact, under the new plan, King Charles will even allow the public to visit during his stay, reports the Telegraph.

The King and Queen appeared to relax away from traditional church services after completing a period of personal mourning for the late Queen on September 26.

The King and Queen appeared to relax away from traditional church services after completing a period of personal mourning for the late Queen on September 26.

Charles wore a tweed jacket with a lovely white flower autumn spring on the collar and a waistcoat to go with the excursion.

Charles wore a tweed jacket with a lovely white flower autumn spring on the collar and a waistcoat to go with the excursion.

The Royals are expected to continue this tradition of setting foot on their Aberdeenshire estate over the summer, at which point Balmoral will be temporarily closed to the public.

The Royals are expected to continue this tradition of setting foot on their Aberdeenshire estate over the summer, at which point Balmoral will be temporarily closed to the public.

King Charles will not attend next month's Cop27 climate change summit

King Charles will not attend next month’s Cop27 climate change summit

Yesterday it was revealed that King Charles wants to turn Balmoral into a public memorial to the Queen.

Yesterday it was revealed that King Charles wants to turn Balmoral into a public memorial to the Queen.

People gather near Balmoral and head to Crathie Church for a glimpse of the King and Queen.

People gather near Balmoral and head to Crathie Church for a glimpse of the King and Queen.

On Sunday morning, a convoy of three escorted the King and Queen from their Burkhall mansion to the church.

On Sunday morning, a convoy of three escorted the King and Queen from their Burkhall mansion to the church.

The Royals are expected to continue this tradition of setting foot on their Aberdeenshire estate over the summer, at which point Balmoral will be temporarily closed to the public.

Considered to be the Queen’s favorite residence in recent years, the beautiful mansion is only open to the public from April to July.

However, from October to December it is free and open to the public, and there are no guided tours of the castle itself “as a token of respect” to Her Majesty the Queen.

“Visitors can enjoy the peace and tranquility of this special place and visit the grounds and gardens where they can pay their respects to Queen Elizabeth II,” a spokesperson said.

The King has enjoyed welcoming visitors to his private home and hopes to emulate the success of Dumfries House in Scotland.

King Charles wants to turn Balmoral into a public memorial to the Queen by opening it up to more visitors.Her Majesty spent her last summer at her mansion in Scotland and her last official photograph was taken before meeting with her incoming Prime Minister Liz Truss.

King Charles wants to turn Balmoral into a public memorial to the Queen by opening it up to more visitors.Her Majesty spent her last summer at her mansion in Scotland and her last official photograph was taken before meeting with her incoming Prime Minister Liz Truss.

The King prefers the adjacent Barkhall to Balmoral, which he inherited after the death of his grandmother, the Queen Mother. He and his Queen Camilla also spent their honeymoon here.Photo: The King and Queen photographed at Burkhall Gardens last year

The King prefers the adjacent Barkhall to Balmoral, which he inherited after the death of his grandmother, the Queen Mother. He and his Queen Camilla also spent their honeymoon here.Photo: The King and Queen photographed at Burkhall Gardens last year

Dumfries – a stunning 18th-century home on over 2,000 acres – has been owned by the Prince Foundation since 2007.

The King is also known to spend a lot of time at Highgrove in Gloucestershire, allowing the public to look around the gardens while the King is there.

However, Camilla is said to be less attached to her home in Gloucestershire. ..it’s Diana’s house, it’s not hers.

Sources said the “heritage and celebration of the Queen” was already his and one of the key principles of the King seeking the best way to use the private homes and royal residences he inherited after his mother’s death. will be one.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11272055/King-Charles-offers-wave-wishers-attends-church-Balmoral-Queen-Consort-Camilla.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490 Prince Charles waves to those who wish to attend church in Balmoral with his wife, Camilla

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