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North Korea conducts fourth missile test in one week

Tokyo – North Korea launched two short-range ballistic missiles on Saturday, neighbors said. The fourth round of weapon launches this week sparked swift and forceful condemnation from rivals.

In a very strong condemnation of North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol said North Korea’s “obsession” with nuclear weapons is deepening the suffering of his own people, citing the threat from South Korean and US militaries. He warned of an “overwhelming response.” such weapons are used.

“North Korea has not abandoned its nuclear and missile obsession over the past 30 years, despite constant opposition from the international community,” Yoon said at a National Armed Forces Day event at South Korea’s central military headquarters. said at the ceremony. “The development of nuclear weapons will make the life of the North Korean people even more difficult.”

“If North Korea tries to use its nuclear weapons, it will face a resolute and overwhelming response from the South Korea-US alliance and our military,” Yoon said.

Yoon’s remarks could infuriate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, who in July claimed that Yoon’s government was led by “confrontation maniacs” and “gangsters.”Kim too Declined Yoon’s offer Large-scale aid in exchange for denuclearization.

A series of North Korean tests this week are seen as a response to recent naval exercises between South Korea and the United States, as well as other exercises involving Japan. Pyongyang claims it reveals a “double standard” between the United States and South Korea because it sees military exercises by its allies as rehearsals for aggression and North Korea’s weapons tests as provocation.

On Saturday, the South Korean, Japanese and US militaries announced that they had detected two North Korean missile launches. South Korea said the takeoff occurred from North Korea’s metropolitan area.

According to South Korean and Japanese estimates, the missile flew about 350 to 400 kilometers (220 to 250 miles) at a maximum altitude of 30 to 50 kilometers (20 to 30 miles) before landing in the waters between the Korean Peninsula and Japan. Japan’s Vice Defense Minister Toshiro Ino said the missile exhibited an “irregular” trajectory.

Some observers believe the weapons’ reported low, “irregular” trajectory means they are likely to be nuclear-capable, highly maneuverable missiles modeled after Russia’s Iskandar missile. said to suggest They say North Korea has developed Iskander-like weapons to defeat South Korean and US missile defenses and hit key South Korean targets, including US military bases there.

Five other ballistic missiles launched by North Korea three times this week show trajectories similar to those detected on Saturday.

“North Korea’s repeated ballistic missile launches are a grave provocation that undermines the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula and the international community,” South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement.

Ino called the launches “absolutely unacceptable” and added that North Korea’s four missile tests in one week were “unprecedented.”

The US Indo-Pacific Command said the launch highlighted the “destabilizing effects” of North Korea’s illegal weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs.

South Korea, US and Japan will host for the first time on Friday Mikuni anti-submarine training Five years off the east coast of the Korean Peninsula. Earlier this week, South Korean and US warships conducted her four-day bilateral exercises in the region. Both military exercises this week involved the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan.

North Korea’s missile test this week was also booked by US Vice President Kamala Harris’ Thursday visit to South Koreawhere she reaffirmed America’s “ironproof” commitment to the security of its Asian allies.

Concerns over North Korea’s nuclear program have grown since last month’s adopted a new law Allowing the first use of nuclear weapons in certain circumstances is a move that marks an escalating nuclear doctrine.

In a speech on Saturday, Yoon said North Korea’s laws threatened the South’s statehood and that Seoul would expand military exercises with Washington and boost South Korea’s own missile strike and surveillance capabilities in response. rice field.

South Korean officials have typically avoided harsh rhetoric against North Korea to prevent escalation of hostility. However, the Ministry of National Defense Yoon recently North Korea warned it would self-destruct When to use nuclear weapons

North Korea has conducted a record number of missile tests this year. Experts are calling it an attempt to expand its arsenal at a time when nuclear diplomacy with the United States has stalled. South Korean and US officials say North Korea is also ready to conduct a nuclear test.

Experts say Kim Jong-un wants to use his eventually expanded nuclear arsenal to pressure the United States and other countries to accept his country as a legal nuclear power. He believes it is necessary to win the lifting of international sanctions and other concessions.

Several UN Security Council resolutions ban North Korea from testing ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons. The country’s missile launches this year are believed to be exploiting a split in the UN Council over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the US-China rivalry.

“North Korea’s frequent short-range missile tests can strain the resources of the isolated nation. A low-cost way to show dissatisfaction with Washington and Seoul defense exercises while conducting


Yamaguchi reported from Tokyo.

Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

https://www.ksat.com/news/world/2022/09/30/north-korea-fires-two-ballistic-missiles-toward-sea/ North Korea conducts fourth missile test in one week

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