Home Texas Multiband Compression: How to Use It

Multiband Compression: How to Use It


Multiband compression is a great tool for use in the studio by producers or musicians, but how do you use it? The goal of multiband compression is to control how much signal there is at certain frequencies. This can be done with sidechain technology or by using frequency selective limiting. It’s important to know how this works so that you can make the best choices when using multiband compression on your channel. In this article, we will describe how to use it and how to choose multiband compressor plugins.

What Is a Multiband Compressor?

Multiband compressor split the signal into several different frequency bands and apply compression to each band separately. The advantage of multiband compression is that it allows you to control how much signal there is at certain frequencies, which can help to improve the overall sound of your mix. It can also help to reduce the amount of dynamic range in a signal, which is especially useful for controlling peaks and ensuring that your mix sounds consistent from beginning to end.

How to Use Multiband Compression

The first step in using multiband compression is to identify the frequency bands that you want to compress. This can be done by listening to the signal and identifying the areas where it sounds too loud or too soft. Once you have identified the frequency bands that you want to work with, you need to set up your multiband compressor plugin.

Most multiband compressor plugins allow you to control how much compression is applied to each band. You will also need to decide how much of the original signal should be allowed through at each band. This can be done by setting the thresholds for each band. The higher the threshold, the less compression will be applied.

Once you have set up your plugin, it’s time to start compressing. The best way to do this is to start by compressing the low-frequency band. You should also make sure that you are applying enough compression so that the signal is consistent from beginning to end.

Then you can start compressing different bands. The best way to do this is to listen to the signal and identify the areas where it sounds too loud or too soft. You can then adjust the compressor settings until you are happy with how the sound of the band.

It’s important to note that you should not apply too much compression, as this can result in a loss of dynamics and an overall worse sounding mix.

Adjust Release and Attack Time

Multiband compression can also be used to adjust the release and attack times of a signal. This can be done by adjusting the settings for each band. The slower the release time, the more compression will be applied. The faster the release time, the less compression will be applied.

The attack time is how long it takes for the compression to kick in. A slower attack time can help to smooth out the signal, while a faster attack time will ensure that your sound remains punchy and consistent from beginning to end.

Choose Ratio and Knee

Multiband compression can also be used to adjust how much ratio and how the knee is applied. Like attack time, this can be done by adjusting the settings for each band. The higher the ratio setting, the more compression will be applied.

The knee dictates how hard or soft your signal hits after it passes through a compressor. A softer knee will result in a more gradual compression, while a harder knee can help to ensure that the signal is consistent.

How To Choose Multiband Compressor Plugins: The Best Ones for You?

There are several different multiband compressor plugins available, and each one has its own unique sound and function. When choosing your plugin, it’s important to consider how you plan to use it.

Some plugins are better for controlling peaks, while others are better for reducing the dynamic range of a signal. Some plugins are also better for shaping the sound of your mix, while others are more focused on overall compression.

When choosing a multiband compressor plugin, it’s important to find one that fits your needs. If you’re looking for a plugin that can help you control the dynamics of your mix, then look for one with a high ratio and slow release time. If you’re looking for a plugin that can help you shape the sound of your mix, then look for one with adjustable knee and attack time settings.

Check a list of the 10 best multiband compressor plugins.

Whatever your needs may be, there is certainly a multiband compressor plugin out there that can help you achieve them. We hope this guide has provided you with some insight into how to use multiband compression. Now that you know how it works, the only thing left to do is experiment with different settings and find what works best for you.