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Lawmakers stage war game ‘conflict’ with China, hoping to deter real China

April 22, 2027, 72 hours after China’s preemptive strike on Taiwan and US military response. Already, the tolls on all fronts are staggering.

It was a war game, but one with serious purpose and prominent players: members of the House Select Committee on China. Beneath a giant gold chandelier in the House Ways and Means Committee room, the conflict played out on Risk board-game-style tabletop maps and markers.

The exercise explored U.S. diplomatic, economic and military options should the U.S. and China come to the brink of war over Taiwan. The exercise took place one night last week and was observed by the Associated Press. was part of a detailed review of

In the war game, Beijing’s missiles and rockets rain down on Taiwan and US forces as far away as Japan and Guam. Initial casualties include hundreds, possibly thousands, of US troops. Losses in Taiwan and China are even greater.

What is disappointing for Washington is that its war-game wary and marginalized ally forces Americans to fight almost entirely alone in support of Taiwan.

And forget calling Xi Jinping or one of his top generals on the US hotline to calm things down.

The war game was not about planning war, MPs said. It was to figure out how to strengthen US deterrence so that no more wars involving the US, China, and Taiwan could start.

Ideally, members of Congress would walk out of the war game with two beliefs, the chairman of the committee, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Mike Gallagher, first told colleagues: “One. is a sense of urgency.”

Second, “the sense that there is something meaningful this Congress can do through legislative action to improve the prospects for peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait,” Gallagher said.

In reality, Rep. Raja Krishnamooti, ​​the Democratic head of the committee, told lawmakers, “There’s no way we’re going to face what we’re going to face tonight.”

“The only way to do that is to deter attacks and prevent conflict from erupting,” said Krishnamooti, ​​D-Ill.

Although the United States does not formally recognize Taiwan’s government, it is Taipei’s most important provider of arms and other security assistance. Xi has instructed the military to be ready to retake Taiwan by force in 2027 if necessary.

Asked about the lawmakers’ war game, Chinese Embassy spokesman Liu Pengyu said China wants peaceful reunification with Taiwan but reserves “the option to take all necessary steps”. said there is.

“The so-called ‘war game’ on the US side is intended to support and encourage the ‘Taiwan independence’ separatists and to inflame further tensions in the Taiwan Strait, and we firmly oppose it,” it said.

In War Games, MPs played the blue team in the role of advisors to the National Security Council. Their instructions from the (fictional) president: to deter China from taking over Taiwan if possible, and to defeat it otherwise.

Taiwan Strait

Experts from the Center for a New America Security, a think tank that studies possible conflicts in wargaming using realistic scenarios and unclassified information, played the red team.

The exercise begins with a Taiwanese opposition lawmaker talking about independence.

Narrated by Stacey Pettyjohn, head of defense programs at the think tank, furious Chinese officials respond by heaping unacceptable demands on Taiwan. The Chinese military, meanwhile, deploys troops capable of invading. Procedures such as bringing in blood supplies to treat troops suggest this is no ordinary military exercise.

Eventually, China will impose a de facto blockade on Taiwan. This is intolerable for Taiwan, which produces her more than 60% of the world’s semiconductors and other high-tech gadgets.

While the U.S. military prepares for battle, advisers to the U.S. president — members of the House committee studying around a wooden table spread out with maps and military markers — are gathering.

They pose questions to retired General Mike Holmes, who serves as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, before deciding on a course of action.

A lawmaker has asked what the economic impact would be if the U.S. became a maximalist on financial penalties.

“Disastrous” is the reaction for both the US and China. China will also hit back at the US economy.

Iowa Republican Rep. Ashley Hinson asks, “Who would tell a president that he has to say to the American people, ‘I have to say goodbye to your iPhone’?”

A lawmaker asked if American leaders had any means of communicating with Chinese leaders. No, China’s leaders have a history of avoiding calling US hotlines, and that’s the problem, the exercise leaders tell them.

In a war game, U.S. officials are trying to get their message across to their Chinese counterparts through China-based U.S. business leaders, after which China attacks its Dell, Apple, HP, and other product operations. as one of the first moves of

Are China’s potential military targets “near metropolitan areas containing millions of people”? asks Rep. Mikie Sherrill, DN.J.

Has Taiwan done all it can to calm the situation? All that it can and will do, lawmakers have said.

“It’s not clear to me if we’ve exhausted all our diplomatic options,” Gallagher said.

Then, on paper, US and Chinese satellites, space weapons, drones, submarines, ground forces, warships, fighter squadrons, cyberwarriors, communications experts, bankers, Treasury officials and diplomats were all go to war.

Finally, before the lessons learned part, the wargame operator reveals the casualties of the first wave of combat. Lawmakers study tabletop maps and wince when they hear the most difficult setbacks in America’s success.

US super long range missile stockpile? gone.

global financial markets? An ally of Shaking.US? After all, Chinese diplomats have done advance work to keep America’s allies aside. In any case, the US’ sweeping economic stimulus against China’s economy appears to be alienating its allies. they are sitting on this

In a final ‘hot wash’ debriefing session, MPs point out some key military weaknesses that the war game highlighted.

Rep. Dusty Johnson, RS.D.

But the most obvious deficiencies were found in diplomatic and non-military planning.

Becca Wasser, a senior fellow at the think tank, who has role-played compelling and threatening Chinese officials, argues that parliamentarians’ recurrence of war games against the lack of direct and immediate crisis communication between leaders It’s something Beijing and Washington have consistently never done in the real world.

“In peacetime, we need these lines of communication,” Wasser said.

The exercise also failed to put together a well-thought-out package of economic sanctions and highlighted the risks of failing to build consensus among allies, lawmakers said.

“As we approach 2027, they will try to isolate us,” Rep. Rob Whitman (R-Va.) said of the Xi administration.

In his role as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Holmes reassured legislators after the first three days of fighting.

“We survived,” he said.

https://www.voanews.com/a/lawmakers-stage-war-game-conflict-with-china-hoping-to-deter-real-one-/7062420.html Lawmakers stage war game ‘conflict’ with China, hoping to deter real China

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