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Inside the Dallas hotel where Tina Turner was released from Ike

On the eve of America’s 200th anniversary, Tina Turner leaves her abusive husband Ike at the Hilton Statler Hotel and sprints across Interstate 30 to take refuge in the Ramada Inn.

Dallas — She is a global icon and her life changed here in the city of Dallas.

On July 3, 1976, Tina and Ike Turner’s rocky marriage reached its climax. They were in Dallas on the eve of America’s 200th anniversary, preparing for a tour. But that night Global music superstars who diedDue to her well-documented and sadly abusive marriage to Ike Turner, she had to run across Interstate 30 to be safe.

She took refuge at the Ramada Inn, not far from the lodgings then known as the Hilton Statler Hotel.

Today, the building that once housed the Ramada Inn operates as the Lorenzo Hotel.

Rumor has it that she left him when Ike went to sleep.

“This was the turning point in her life. She got bored with that life and wanted something different,” said Al Debery, managing director of Lorenzo Hotels. She said, “She walked in here with 36 cents and a Mobil gas card and walked over to her front desk where she was beaten and bruised.”

Many say parting with Ike was a pivotal moment in launching an already promising career.

Turner went on to record a catalog of timeless, Grammy-winning songs.

These days, her portrait hangs prominently in the front of Lorenzo’s main lobby.

However, above the 11th floor remains Lorenzo’s room where she stayed for three days in hiding from Ike. Since being named ‘Escape’, this room pays tribute to the woman they called ‘The Queen of Rock and Roll’. Inside, walls are lined with photographs of Turner, pillowcases depicting her face, and even quotes from music legends hang on the ceiling.

On Wednesday, it was announced that Turner had died after a long illness. She was 83 years old.

But at the Lorenzo Hotel, her legacy lives on.

“It’s such a shame and sad that this day is coming,” Debery said.

https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/tina-turner-dallas-hotel-refuge-from-abusive-ike/287-d78932c0-7117-47be-babd-1faac4584d19 Inside the Dallas hotel where Tina Turner was released from Ike

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