Home Business How Do I Look Up An Email for Free?

How Do I Look Up An Email for Free?


Whether you are a student, working professional, or business owner, there are times when you are frantically looking for that one “email id”.

Yes, that one email address that can help you get your message across to the right person at the right time.

Fret not!

This post is dedicated to helping you get your hands on the best resources to look up an email for free.

Use FastPeopleSearch

FastPeopleSearch is an amazing people finder tool that can be used to the very best of one’s advantage. It has a simple yet functional interface where you need to punch in a bit of information like Full Name, approximate age of an individual, state, and voila! You’re done! Just hit the search button, and you will be presented with a list of possible matches.

There is also an expand form option that lets you feed in other optional details like Maiden Last name, Street, City, Date of Birth, or Zip code if you know any such info already. This will further help narrow down the search.

Checking with an organization’s official website

Looking to get in touch with a key decision-maker of a company?

Quit wasting time looking elsewhere and head on straight to the company’s official website. No matter how obvious this sounds, a company’s website can be a great resource to look up an email for free. And don’t just limit yourself to one particular section, instead go ahead and check media contacts details like PR info, staff info, and more, and chances are you might stumble upon the email id you are looking for.

Some websites are designed in a way where users are greeted with a contact form. Now, don’t get turned off having to fill in your details. You never know when your message might end up in the right inbox.

Try Advanced Google Search

If you think you’re good at guesswork, you might want to give advanced Google Search a shot. All you need to do is put in the email address on the search bar and support it with quotes like “firstname.lastname@company.com”

In case you have guessed it right, you might be able to see the correct email address spring up in the search results– tough luck if nothing comes up, and then you will need to check out other variants of the email address.

Check with ZoomInfo

If you use Outlook, the ZoomInfo plugin can help you look up an email for free. All you need to do in return is to give them access to your mailing contacts, and each month you can get no less than ten different contacts from their database. With over six million company profiles listed on zoom info, you will always be one step closer to getting your hands on an otherwise difficult-to-find email address.

Be a smooth talker

This is one thing that will not only get you an email for free but also hone your skills as a smooth talker.

If you have the phone number for a company and want to reach their who’s who with your message, ring up the front reception and try to build a rapport.

When smiles and greetings are over, throw them questions like, “Hey, I was wondering whether you could help me? Or ”Would you do me a favour?” Questions like this work most of the time, and people are generally willing to help. At this stage, you will need to make up an email id and ask them to confirm whether you are right. If you have successfully established your presence, the person on the other end of the line will stop you right here when you make a mistake, and in return, spill out the correct email id. Get it? Easy does it, Tiger!

Jigsaw can help

Jigsaw.com is another information finder site that has a multitude of pay search options to find email addresses. However, the free option isn’t that bad and at times can help you find a great deal of information. So, chances are you will be able to find what you are looking for with minimum effort. They usually have a working model which demands one contact from a user, and in return, you don’t have to pay while conducting the next search.

Sometimes, the information that you get from Jigsaw for free might not be relevant at all.

So, as a best practise, you can also cross-check some of it, like a street address or state with a person’s social media account. Doing so will ensure you are on the right ally to find the information about a particular individual.

Wrap up

Undeniably, looking for an email address for free can be a tad bit tricky.

However, these days, if you are smart enough to use online resources like reverse email lookup and others at hand, you might come out lucky. And while you are at it, don’t just restrict yourself to using one tool.

Instead, use multiple tools to establish the authenticity of the information and cross-check details. That way, you will always have trusted data in hand to put into use.