
How ALERRT trains law enforcement to handle active mass shootings

maxwell, texas – Several active investigations continue after the shooting at Robb Elementary School.of Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center released detailed timeline Events on May 24th.

The timeline was determined using surveillance within the school, video footage from a nearby funeral home, body-worn cameras, radio logs, statements of officers, and interviews.


Pete Blair is Executive Director of ALERT. A typical police response time, he said, is estimated at three minutes.

“Unless you’re unlucky and a police officer happens to be there at the start, you can’t go any faster. Of course, having a co-pilot on scene doesn’t mean the event is over. That’s me. That’s the number we’re talking about, it’s about three minutes from the 9-1-1 call to the co-pilot on the scene, go find the attackers and stop the killing, so it’s going to take more time than that. It could take,” Blair said.

ALERRT was founded in 2002 as a partnership between the Hayes County Sheriff’s Office and the San Marcos Police Department. The center grew out of a change in response tactics caused by the 1999 Columbine High School shooting.

Since the center’s inception, more than 200,000 first responders have been trained in every state nationwide.

According to Blair, the FBI called ALERRT national standardaccording to their research methods.

“In practice, researchers not only look at patterns and trends in events, but also look at specific techniques and tactics and how they work, and compare which work better than others. We have a staff of .. and we publish it in peer-reviewed journals,” Blair said.

See “Solution: Safe Schools”


ALERRT has an active shooter research division that works with the FBI to produce active shooter data nationwide.Several data A public survey reveals a rising trend in mass shootings across the country.

The research and data collected help ALERRT understand which tactics and techniques are useful.

ALERRT provides training on medical emergencies, team improvement techniques, decision-making, and response times. A dedicated kit is used to help implement the course materials.

“Each kit is designed so that an entire course can be taught at a location that accepts children, so it has all the equipment needed to teach a particular course. You can help them teach and teach the course yourself, or you can train a trainer program designed to develop their own trainers that the institution can provide training for,” says Blair. says Mr.

Each situation is not the same, but Blair said it would be better to train the police.

“You have to train them all the time. It doesn’t make you a tactical genius that you can handle, so you don’t develop that practice and that skill in your daily job, so you have to train to develop that skill. If you need , you have that skill in place,” Blair said.

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https://www.ksat.com/solutionaries/2022/09/23/ready-to-respond-how-alerrt-trains-law-enforcement-agencies-to-handle-active-shooter-incidents/ How ALERRT trains law enforcement to handle active mass shootings

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