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House committee recommends expelling lawmakers for inappropriate ‘sexual’ relationships with employees

The Texas House General Inquiry Committee on Saturday recommended the expulsion of Rep. Brian Slaton (Republican, City of Royce).

Slaton was under investigation for inappropriate sexual relations with employees, including illegally serving alcohol to employees under the age of 21.

Rep. Andrew Marr (R-Junction), chairman of the General Commission of Inquiry, issued a recommendation to the entire House after his commission submitted: report To Chairman Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont) this morning.

“In summarizing the report, we found that Senator Slaton engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct with a subordinate,” Maher said. “The action was caused by alcohol provided by Senator Slaton to his 19-year-old subordinate. It has interfered and harmed both our courts and the people who work here.”

“The expulsion of a member is a level of punishment that we cannot take lightly. It’s meant to give accountability.”

Mule added that his intention was for the House to vote on Slaton’s expulsion on Tuesday, May 9. Under the Texas Constitution, expulsion requires a two-thirds vote of 150 congressmen. is necessary.

Phelan issued the following statement After the announcement: “As Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, who oversees the proceedings related to this matter on our floor, until my colleagues have had the opportunity to deliberate and subsequently vote on the recommendations of the General Commission of Inquiry, I will I will refrain from public comment.”

The report details allegations and findings from an investigation initiated after another legislative staff filed a complaint with the commission.

“Between March 31 and approximately April 1, 2023, Slaton violated House Rule 15. Engaging in prohibited harassment, especially sexual harassment, failing to act in a non-harassing manner, and acting in an inappropriate manner. The legislative assistant who worked in his state office and had primary responsibility for oversight and was unable to give effective consent with,” the report reads.

That night, Slaton reportedly invited staff to “have a drink and hang out.” The staff arrived with several others, one of whom told the committee that the staff “persisted” to go to the deputies’ apartments, and Slaton offered them alcohol. When asked if he felt comfortable in the moment, a staff member told investigators, “I felt like I was in an inappropriate situation. [and] At that moment, obviously, I drank too much. It’s hard to think in a drunken moment. But looking back on it now, it was definitely an inappropriate situation. ”

Then, the following week, Slaton described a situation in which he showed staff an email from an anonymous sender claiming to have knowledge of sexual interactions. believed to have been sent by Slaton himself from another email address.

The report also said an unnamed representative told Slaton in the House that he heard the allegations and should resign, confirmed by phone with Slaton himself, and that several lawmakers informed the committee of their knowledge of the incident. ing.

“Slaton has expressed no remorse or remorse for his actions before the Commission,” the report concludes. “Slaton has not publicly expressed any remorse or remorse for his actions.”

The names of staff and witnesses involved in the report are pseudonyms.

Slaton hired Lawyers in April after reports of allegations of wrongdoing were made public. Slaton’s attorney, Patrick Short, did not return a request for comment by the time of publication.

In the section below entitled “Conclusion of the Law,” the report states: At the Austin House in Surathon.

The commission informed at least two possible violations of state criminal law and numerous other violations of the law and House rules.

old texas house Banished In 1927, when FA Dale and HH Moore were tried for bribery, it had one member.

state law It provides for expedited special elections to fill legislative vacancies during the session, but only if the vacancy occurs at least 25 days before the death of the sign. A special election to fill the vacancy is ordered by the governor.

Read the full report below.

Editor’s note: This article has been updated to include a reference to the process of filling vacancies through by-election.

https://thetexan.news/house-committee-recommends-lawmakers-expulsion-due-to-inappropriate-sexual-relationship-with-employee/ House committee recommends expelling lawmakers for inappropriate ‘sexual’ relationships with employees

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