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Horror aftermath in Acapulco: Tropical paradise reels after Category 5 Otis hit city of 1M like a bomb unleashing massive floods and widespread destruction as army and rescue workers scramble clear up battered resort

The tropical paradise of Acapulco is still reeling after Category 5 Hurricane Otis hit the city – unleashing massive floods and widespread destruction. 

Mexican rescue workers and the army have scrambled to clear up the battered vacation resort city, which is home to one million people, after Otis brought maximum sustained winds of 165 miles per hour – making it the strongest on record for a landfalling Eastern Pacific tropical cyclone. 

The disastrous weather front was centered about 55 miles south-southeast of Acapulco, and its ruinous effects were also moving north-northwest at 9 mph.

Acapulco descended into devastating chaos, leaving residents without electricity or internet service – and the true toll of the disaster still remains uncertain.

The early images and accounts were of extensive devastation, toppled trees and power lines lying in brown floodwaters that in some areas extended for miles. 

The tropical paradise of Acapulco is still reeling after Category 5 Hurricane Otis hit the city – unleashing massive floods and widespread destruction. Parts of a fallen building are seen here spewed across the street

Rescue workers and the army have scrambled to clear up the battered vacation resort city of one million people after Otis brought maximum sustained winds of 160 miles per hour

Rescue workers and the army have scrambled to clear up the battered vacation resort city of one million people after Otis brought maximum sustained winds of 160 miles per hour

The disastrous weather front was centered about 55 miles south-southeast of Acapulco and moving north-northwest at 9 mph

The disastrous weather front was centered about 55 miles south-southeast of Acapulco and moving north-northwest at 9 mph

A muddy woman walks away with stuff she looted from a furniture store after Hurricane Otis unleashed chaos in the city

A muddy woman walks away with stuff she looted from a furniture store after Hurricane Otis unleashed chaos in the city

Many of the once-sleek beachfront hotels in Acapulco looked like toothless, shattered hulks a day after the Category 5 storm blew out hundreds - and possibly thousands - of windows

Many of the once-sleek beachfront hotels in Acapulco looked like toothless, shattered hulks a day after the Category 5 storm blew out hundreds – and possibly thousands – of windows

The resulting destruction delayed a comprehensive response by the government, which was still assessing the damage along Mexico‘s Pacific coast, and made residents desperate.

Many of the once-sleek beachfront hotels in Acapulco looked like toothless, shattered hulks a day after the Category 5 storm blew out hundreds – and possibly thousands – of windows.

While some 10,000 military troops were deployed to the area, they lacked the tools to clean tons of mud and fallen trees from the streets. 

Hundreds of trucks from the government electricity company arrived in Acapulco early Wednesday, but seemed at a loss as to how to restore power, with downed electricity lines lying in feet of mud and water.

Jakob Sauczuk was staying with a group of friends at a beachfront hotel when Otis hit. ‘We laid down on the floor, and some between beds,’ Sauczuk said. ‘We prayed a lot.’

One of his friends took photos of the windowless, shattered rooms in the hotel.

Sauczuk complained that his group was given no warning, nor were offered safer shelter, by the hotel.

Pablo Navarro, an auto parts worker who was lodged in temporary accommodations at a beach front hotel, thought he might die in his 13th story hotel room.

‘I took shelter in the bathroom, and thankfully the door held,’ said Navarro. ‘But there were some room where the wind blew out the windows and the doors.’

People loot a grocery store after Hurricane Otis ripped through Acapulco, Mexico

People loot a grocery store after Hurricane Otis ripped through Acapulco, Mexico

People wait outside a hotel after the chaos caused by the hurricane

People wait outside a hotel after the chaos caused by the hurricane

Hundreds of trucks from the government electricity company arrived in Acapulco early Wednesday, but seemed at a loss as to how to restore power, with downed electricity lines lying in feet of mud and water

Hundreds of trucks from the government electricity company arrived in Acapulco early Wednesday, but seemed at a loss as to how to restore power, with downed electricity lines lying in feet of mud and water

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador looks out of the window as the vehicle transporting his is stuck in mud near Acapulco, after the passage of Hurricane Otis

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador looks out of the window as the vehicle transporting his is stuck in mud near Acapulco, after the passage of Hurricane Otis

One home's foundations gave way during the calamitous storm

One home’s foundations gave way during the calamitous storm

Part of a main road is washed away and destroyed in the high storms

Part of a main road is washed away and destroyed in the high storms 

Navarro stood Wednesday outside a discount grocery and household goods store near the hotel zone, as hundreds of people wrestled everything from packs of hot dogs and toilet paper to flat screen TVs out of the muddy store, struggling to push loaded metal shopping carts onto the mud-choked streets outside.

‘This is out of control,’ he said.

Isabel de la Cruz, a resident of Acapulco, tried to move a shopping cart loaded with diapers, instant noodles and toilet paper through the mud.

She viewed what she took as a chance to help her family after she lost the tin roof of her home and her family´s important documents in the hurricane.

‘When is the government ever going to look after the common people?’ she said.

Inside one store, National Guard officers allowed looters to take perishable items like food, but made futile efforts to prevent people from taking appliances, even as people outside loaded refrigerators on top of taxis.

It took nearly all day Wednesday for authorities to partially reopen the main highway connecting Acapulco to the state capital Chilpancingo and Mexico City. 

While some 10,000 military troops were deployed to the area, they lacked the tools to clean tons of mud and fallen trees from the streets

While some 10,000 military troops were deployed to the area, they lacked the tools to clean tons of mud and fallen trees from the streets

A vehicle sits damaged by a traffic sign following the disastrous hurricane

A vehicle sits damaged by a traffic sign following the disastrous hurricane 

People walk with goods looted from a shopping mall after Hurricane Otis destroyed the vicinity

People walk with goods looted from a shopping mall after Hurricane Otis destroyed the vicinity

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and members of his cabinet walk on the mud as they visit the El Kilometro 42 community

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and members of his cabinet walk on the mud as they visit the El Kilometro 42 community

The vital ground link allowed dozens of emergency vehicles, personnel and trucks carrying supplies to reach the battered port.

Acapulco´s commercial and military airports were still too badly damaged to resume flights.

Acapulco’s Diamond Zone, an oceanfront area replete with hotels, restaurants and other tourist attractions, looked to be mostly underwater in drone footage that Foro TV posted online Wednesday afternoon, with boulevards and bridges completely hidden by an enormous lake of brown water.

Large buildings had their walls and roofs partially or completely ripped off. 

Dislodged solar panels, cars and debris littered the lobby of one severely damaged hotel. 

People wandered up to their waists in water in some areas, while on other less-flooded streets soldiers shoveled rubble and fallen palm fronds from the pavement.

On Wednesday night the city plunged into darkness. There was no phone service, but some people were able to use satellite phones loaned by the Red Cross to let family members know they were alive.

Alicia Galindo, a 28-year-old stylist in the central Mexican city of San Luis Potosi, was one of the lucky ones to get such a call. 

Her parents and brother were staying in Acapulco´s Hotel Princess for an international mining conference when Otis hit early Wednesday with 165 mph winds.

Broken glass is spewed all over the streets following the violent weather front

Broken glass is spewed all over the streets following the violent weather front 

A looter carries a shopping cart full of goods stolen from a supermarket after the passage of Hurricane Otis in Acapulco

A looter carries a shopping cart full of goods stolen from a supermarket after the passage of Hurricane Otis in Acapulco

A view shows damage after Hurricane Otis hit, in Acapulco in the Mexican state of Guerrero

A view shows damage after Hurricane Otis hit, in Acapulco in the Mexican state of Guerrero

They told her the worst part of the storm was between 1am and 3am when ‘windows began to fall, floors broke up, mattresses flew, hallways collapsed, doors fell down … until everything was gone,’ she said. Fortunately, they escaped unhurt, she said.

However, Galindo had yet to hear from her boyfriend, who was attending the same conference but staying in a different hotel.

On Tuesday, Otis took many by surprise when it rapidly strengthened from a tropical storm to a powerful Category 5 as it tore along the coast.

‘It´s one thing to have a Category 5 hurricane make landfall somewhere when you´re expecting it or expecting a strong hurricane, but to have it happen when you´re not expecting anything to happen is truly a nightmare,’ said Brian McNoldy, a hurricane researcher at the University of Miami.

Acapulco, Tecpan and other towns along the Costa Grande in Guerrero were hit hard, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Wednesday morning. He said conditions were so bad that communication with the area had been ‘completely lost.’

Later Wednesday, Milenio TV circulated photos of López Obrador trying to make it to Acapulco by ground, in some places getting out to walk. It was not immediately clear if he made it.

Acapulco is at the foot of steep mountains – where luxury homes and slums alike cover the hillsides with views of the Pacific Ocean. 

Once drawing Hollywood stars for its nightlife, sport fishing and cliff diving shows, the port has in recent years fallen victim to competing organized crime groups that have sunk the city into violence. 

This has in turn driven many international tourists to the Caribbean waters of Cancun and the Riviera Maya or beaches farther down the Pacific coast in the state of Oaxaca.

López Obrador noted that Otis was a stronger hurricane than Pauline, which hit Acapulco in 1997, destroying swaths of the city and killing more than 300 people.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12675611/Horror-aftermath-Acapulco-Tropical-paradise-Otis-hurricane.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490 Horror aftermath in Acapulco: Tropical paradise reels after Category 5 Otis hit city of 1M like a bomb unleashing massive floods and widespread destruction as army and rescue workers scramble clear up battered resort

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