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Five Texas women sue against state pro-life law

5 women this week filed a lawsuit Opposed Texas and Attorney General Ken Paxton, arguing that Texas’ life protection law “caused [threaten] cause irreparable injury. ”

The lawsuit Announcement on social media According to the Reproductive Rights Center, the women claimed they wanted to “hold Texas accountable for the multiple harmful consequences of the abortion ban on pregnant people facing obstetric complications.” ing.

Amanda Zurawski, Lauren Miller, Lauren Hall, Anna Zargarian, Ashley Brandt, Damla Karsan MD and Judy Levison MD condemned the state government’s pre-screening.Law vs Wade Legislation; Senate Bill (SB) 8, also known as the Texas Heartbeat Act, and House Bill (HB) 1280, also known as “Abortion Trigger Prohibition.” It has caused “uncertainty over the meaning of an exception to Texas’ abortion ban.”

The case of Lauren Miller and Ashley Brandt addresses the vaguely worded abortion issue surrounding twin pregnancies. Lauren and Ashley both claimed they suffered mental and physical distress while performing abortions in Texas and decided to travel to Colorado for the procedure. Both women aborted one of their twins, Lauren is still pregnant with a healthy child, and Ashley has already given birth.

Amanda Zulafsky and Anna Zargarian filed a lawsuit claiming that an unforeseen medical problem endangered their lives and that of their baby, disrupted instructions from a Texas doctor, and forced them to travel out of state to have an abortion. He claims that he will receive

Lauren Hall’s case alleges that after an ultrasound, her baby was diagnosed with anencephaly, a condition in which the skull and brain are not fully developed. Ms. Hall decided to have an abortion, but when she asked MFM for advice, the doctor said, “I can’t help her.” , I was afraid to even give information about my options.” Lauren decided to fly to Seattle for her abortion.

Texas’ preegg abortion law, heartbeat methodand no trigger The lawsuit alleges that a Texas doctor failed to meet his obligations to treat an urgent medical condition that endangered the mother’s life and health.

The language that exists in the Texas abortion law includes statutes against physicians who “believe that there is a medical emergency that precludes compliance” with abortion laws, such as when the mother’s life is in danger. has “good faith and reasonable understanding”. of standard medical practice. ”

Texas Right to Life, a life advocacy group, said on social media “The law makes it clear that if a woman’s life is in danger, or if her condition could lead to loss of major bodily functions, doctors can intervene immediately without delay.”

“Legal misinformation in the media continues to silence the medical community,” the statement read.

“The problem is misrepresentation in the media,” commented Dr. John Seago, representative of Right to Survival in Texas. The Texan.

Seago went on to explain that doctors are confused about what to do in these situations. “Door of Death” to receive careHe added that he needs Texas better education For doctors.

United States District Court Judge recently dominated that texas preegg Enforcement of abortion bans is prohibited, and states can no longer prosecute organizations that promote out-of-state abortions.Paxton previously stated Social media Pre-Roe laws are “100% valid laws” and enforceable.

Lawsuits continue against Texas life protection laws and various bills to strengthen those measures, but the intended effect of the law is clear as abortions take place in Texas . greatly reduced Since enactment of the Heartbeat Act.

https://thetexan.news/five-texas-women-file-lawsuit-against-state-pro-life-laws/ Five Texas women sue against state pro-life law

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