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Elon Musk says Twitter won’t be free to use

Musk says he bought the San Francisco company because he believes having a “common digital town square” is critical to the future of civilization.

SAN FRANCISCO — Elon Musk tried to appease disgruntled Twitter advertisers on Thursday, one day before the deadline to buy the social media platform for $44 billion, buying the platform to help humanity and he doesn’t want that to happen. said. “Hell Landscape at your disposal”.

The message appears to be aimed at addressing concerns among advertisers, Twitter’s main source of revenue. Musk’s plan is to promote free speech by curtailing content moderation, increasing online toxicity and alienating users.

“The reason I bought Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square where a wide range of beliefs can be discussed in a healthy way without resorting to violence,” Musk wrote. very long message Tesla CEOs typically project their thoughts in one-line tweets.

“There is now a great danger that social media will split into far-right and far-left echo chambers, creating more hate and dividing our society.”

Musk has previously expressed disgust with advertising and Twitter’s reliance on advertising, and has focused on other business models such as paid subscriptions that do not allow large companies to dictate policies on how social media operates. It suggests that you are placing But on Thursday, he promised advertisers that he wanted to make Twitter “the most respected advertising platform in the world.”

According to Pinal Yurdirim, an associate professor of marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, the memo supports Musk’s position that Twitter unfairly infringes on free speech by blocking misinformation and graphic content. It is said that it is a conversion from

But she also recognizes that not moderating content is bad for business and puts Twitter at risk of losing advertisers and subscribers.

“We don’t want a place where consumers are bombarded with things they don’t want to hear and the platform doesn’t hold them accountable,” said Yildirim.

Musk said Twitter should “welcome everyone” and let users choose the experience they want.

“I didn’t do it to make money,” he said of the pending acquisition. We do this humbly, knowing that the odds are very high.”

The Friday deadline for completing the transaction is Delaware Chancery Court Order Early October. It’s the latest step in a battle that began in April when Musk signed a deal to buy him Twitter. I then tried to retrieve it, but Twitter sued Tesla’s CEO, demanding he force the takeover. If both sides fail to meet Friday’s deadline, the next step could be a trial in November, where a judge could force Musk to complete the deal.

However, Musk suggests that the deal is closed. He stopped by the company’s San Francisco headquarters Wednesday with a porcelain sink and changed his Twitter profile to “Chief Tweet,” murmured “Enter Twitter HQ — let it sink!”

And overnight, the New York Stock Exchange informed investors that it would halt trading in Twitter shares before the opening bell on Friday in anticipation of the company going private under the mask. .

According to an internal memo cited by multiple media outlets, Musk plans to speak directly with Twitter employees on Friday if the deal goes through. Despite internal turmoil and low morale linked to fears of layoffs and dismantling of the company’s culture and operations, Twitter leaders this week welcomed Musk’s arrival and message, at least outwardly. There is

The company’s chief customer officer and chief sales officer, Sarah Parsonette, said she had a “great discussion” with Musk on Wednesday, appearing to support Thursday’s message to advertisers.

“Our continued commitment to advertiser brand safety remains unchanged,” Personnett tweeted Thursday. “Look forward to the future!”

Musk’s eagerness to visit Twitter’s headquarters this week contrasted with one of his earlier proposals.

Washington Post reported last week Musk told prospective investors he plans to cut three-quarters of Twitter’s 7,500 employees when he becomes the company’s owner. Citing an unnamed source.

Musk has spent months mocking Twitter’s “spambots” and making contradictory statements about what’s wrong with Twitter and how to fix it. However, he has provided few concrete details about his plans for the social media platform.

Thursday’s memo to advertisers showed a renewed emphasis on advertising revenue, especially Twitter’s need to deliver more “relevant ads.” This usually means targeted advertising that relies on the collection and analysis of a user’s personal information.

Yildirim said Twitter, unlike Facebook, is not good at targeting ads to what users want to see. Musk’s message suggests he wants to fix it, she said.

Jasmine Enberg, principal analyst at Insider Intelligence, said Mr. Musk has good reason to avoid massive disruption to Twitter’s advertising business. Other income streams waiting in the wings. “

“Even a slight relaxation of content moderation on the platform will undoubtedly surprise advertisers, many of whom believe Twitter lacks brand safety tools compared to other social platforms. We have already noticed,” says Enberg.


https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/nation-world/elon-musk-future-of-twitter/507-b9912df4-906e-4cf7-b386-ceeecd4fe75d Elon Musk says Twitter won’t be free to use

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