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Coachella acrobatics crash into stage during live DJ performance in California desert

Coachella acrobatics crash into stage during a live DJ performance in the California desert and are taken away by an EMT – 3 years after a worker fell to his death while building a stage there

  • The dancer fell while dancing suspended above the stage during Saturday’s Coachella performance, and the audience watched in horror.
  • She lay motionless on the stage before paramedics removed her on a stretcher.
  • Her condition remains unknown 1 audience He reportedly fainted from shock after seeing a horrific accident.

a Coachella A dancer jumped out of her rigging when she was suspended high above the stage during a live performance at . California music festival on Saturday.

Horrifying footage showed the dancer spinning upside down about 20 feet from the stage while the DJ was playing her set, and suddenly collapsed when she started to stand upright.

The woman flew round and round onto the stage below and appeared to land hard between the speakers, and the audience could be heard screaming in terror.

She said she danced for about five minutes before falling. TMZIt is unclear whether he injured himself during the dance and fell, or simply slipped and fell.

This wasn’t the first time concert officials have appeared injured at coachellaIn 2019, a worker fell to his death while building a stage in preparation for the festival.

Dancer falls from rigging onto stage in the middle of a live performance

After lying still on stage, the dancers were carried off on stretchers.

After lying still on stage, the dancers were carried off on stretchers.

After the fall, the dancer could be seen lying motionless when a fellow dancer jumped to her aid.

Paramedics soon arrived and tended to her, and she was seen lying on her back motionless as the DJ played.

She was later strapped to a stretcher and carried away.

The dancer’s condition remains unknown, but was seen blinking in the footage.

Coachella reached out to DailyMail.com for comment on her condition and what caused her fall, but did not respond.

According to TMZ, the audience asked the DJ to stop playing because the woman received treatment, and one of the audience reportedly passed out in shock upon seeing the fall.

dancers are suspended above the stage

Dancer begins to fall from rigging

Dancer twirled from rigging on stage before slipping and falling

She fell about 20 feet onto the stage and appeared to land on her side or back.

dancers just before going on stage

She fell about 20 feet onto the stage and appeared to land on her side or back.

After collapsing, the dancer lies motionless on her back while paramedics tend to her on stage

After collapsing, the dancer lies motionless on her back while paramedics tend to her on stage

After falling, the dancer is carried on a stretcher.her condition remains unknown

After falling, the dancer is carried on a stretcher.her condition remains unknown

The incident wasn’t the first dangerous fall in Coachella history.

In 2019, a worker fell to his death while building a stage in preparation for the festival.

Worker was a “lead rigger” and a stagehand at Coachella for 20 years, the festival said, describing him as “a colleague, a friend and a family member.”

“He was with our team for 20 years in the desert, doing what he loved. He was a hardworking, loving man who cared deeply about the team. I have been responsible for countless incredible shows at festivals.

Officials said he fell from the roof during stage preparations and died by the time authorities arrived.

Earlier in 2014, a 24-year-old woman in Auckland died after collapsing from a drug overdose at a festival.

Kimchi Truong was taken to hospital after passing out at a festival taxi stand, but died a few days later. Her overdose was thought to have been caused by a mix of drugs and alcohol.

And in 2008, the 21-year-old Festival-Goes died after being found unresponsive in a private camp area unaffiliated with Coachella’s official site.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11978739/Coachella-acrobat-crashes-stage-live-DJ-performance-California-desert.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490 Coachella acrobatics crash into stage during live DJ performance in California desert

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