Home Business Actionable Content Marketing Tips For 2022

Actionable Content Marketing Tips For 2022


With 500 million blogs on the Internet, it’s safe to say that content marketing is exploding. Here is exactly how to use content marketing to get more customers and clients. Make more sales and grow your business. These are some content marketing strategies that we use in our own business as well as advising our clients and students, they will work whether they are a brand new startup to a billion-dollar empire. So, if this is the time, you finally decide to master your content marketing and leverage. This is a truly powerful and profitable strategy in your business. Let us discuss the strategies.

Quality and Quantity

So, here is the very first thing of an age-old battle between quality and quantity. They started to want higher quality stuff, and We have got to the point where We are today, where people and the algorithms, in general, do not just want more, they do not just want higher quality. They want both, meaning more higher quality stuff. On the bright side, content-creation, content marketing general is kind of like a muscle that you can build up and strengthen and develop over time.

Whether your end goal is quantity or quality or ideally that mythical combination of both, you have just got to get started and start producing things.

There is a great expression, which is the quality that comes from the quantity, and not only is this true because you are going to get better and more skilled and more experienced over time. But also, being a content writing company, you do not necessarily get to be the judge of good content or not. That is for your audience to decide. And the only way you are ever going to know is if you actually create something and get it out there to the world.

Market demand

This is a kind of a Venn diagram, overlapping circles, the thing with which you have got stuff that you’re good at, stuff that you want to talk about, and stuff that the market wants to hear about. That middle section right there, well that’s the sweet spot. Surely, if you’re going to be spending a big amount of time, money, and energy on creating high-quality content. Well, then it only makes sense to try to get the maximum bang for your content marketing buck. And this means using a kind of repurposing, syndicating, or sharing strategy.

Create content hubs

See, here is the deal. One of the big separators between those that are kind of just dabbling and playing around with content marketing, those that are using it to create profitable and wildly successful marketing campaigns that grow their business is just this. Do not only know how to write a good content hub but also how to leverage it and how to splice and dice and share it across several different platforms to get the maximum value out of it.

Promote your content

Let us walk you through the exact content-repurposing strategy. You can call the content multiplier formula, and the three-part, they are made up of are known as pillar post and piece. The whole basis and foundation of the content multiplier formula. All start by first choosing your primary platform and then creating a piece of pillar content on it. Let us explain what that means. Your primary platform is yourself or your business’s main publishing platform. If you are into the text content, well, this could be your blog on your website. If you are into audio content well, this might be your podcast, and if you happen to be into video content.

Well, this is probably and definitely should be YouTube. So, once you establish what your primary platform is, the next you will have to decide on what your piece of pillar content is going to be. Again if we are using text-based content on your blog, well, then a long-form blog post would be your main piece of pillar content. If you are going the audio route, then your podcast episode could be your pillar content for your audio, and, if you are going the video route well then of course your YouTube video is going to be that piece of pillar content that we’re going to create everything else.


Now, the way to do this is to create that content with the following structure in mind. Firstly, you need to start with a clear and easy-to-understand headline or title, which is part one. Choose the targeted topics with search traffic potentials.

Repurpose your content

Throw light on industry in new and creative ways.

Add some kind of an enticing introduction that hook, that capturing phrase, that gets them in and holds their attention and gets them to read the next line, which is part two. Follow with the main body of the content. It is the bulk of where you might tell your story or provide your information ideally. You want to arrange this in three or five or maybe even seven parts or subparts.

Part three is, just, to wrap it up with a conclusion and ideally include a CTA or call to action that guides and directs people to whatever the next step is part four.

So here’s what this looks like in a real-world situation. We are creating a blog post, the outline, a podcast episode, or a script for talking points for a YouTube video. We follow this structure from the title and the headline for an introduction to the body and conclusion.

Blog post

If it is a blog post, most of the text is written and formatted already, so that part is pretty easy. To make your blog post effective, design shareable images, do blogger outreach, and update your blog.


A podcast Is the most effective way to spread your content across the world. There are several free as well as paid online services that allow you to transcribe text from podcast episodes which then gives you text, and the same thing goes with the video. You can take that video and transcribe the text, so now you can get a video, you got some text, of course, you can strip away the audio, and you can get a podcast episode as well if you like.

So, using this video example, we can take that video and rip away the audio for the podcast and transcribe it into text for the blog. We can get all of those sub-parts, sub-points, the main parts of the body, different posts. We may create other content by the video. Pretty much just by copying and pasting the content that’s already there.

So if our main piece of content is the pillar well, this kind of sub-points these three to five points that you talked about throughout your content, you can call them posts, but we have not done yet. Because what I can do is take these posts and carve them up even further into what we call pieces. These would be even shorter social media posts or tweets or graphics or quote cards or pretty much anything else you can think of as an extract from the main content you created. The fact is, it does not matter what kind of pillar content you are making. Whether it is text or podcasting, video through YouTube, or whatever it is. The same concept can apply simply by extracting different points and then sharing them across the other platforms.

Now you can, of course, do all of this manually, which is acceptable, and if you might get started on a great way to save a few bucks but if you got a few dollars to invest in your content marketing strategy.


We got a few content marketing tools that we use and recommend, so, We shall make sure to list them out now.

The first tool is software, which is called MeetEdgar. It is not only the social media marketing tool, which allows you to go out there and automate your posts and so on, but it also allows you to do it with a kind of repurpose and recycle the older posts. So, you constantly do not need to go in there and upload new and fresh content. It can simply draw back from some of your previous posts and post them on a schedule you set ahead of time.

ConvertKit is an email platform of choice, and it’s the one that we use in our business as well, as recommended to our clients. It is phenomenal and easy to use. If you have been following us for a long time, then you know just how strongly I feel about the email we are talking about in just a minute.

Canva is another very easy and very popular tool-free to use. In most cases, it’s a good alternative if you don’t want to go in there and start learning about photoshop.

Shutter stock is good if you need stock images and are royalty-free. So you don’t have to worry about copyright issues, and using any combination of those should be more than enough to help get you started.

Multi-channel marketing

So, the reality is there are too many platforms and too many different networks, new ones seem to be popping up almost all the time, so if you try to be active and present and engage in all of them, you’re going to be able to do none of them. Well, it’s a perfect example to know when you go to a business website, you see a little Twitter link there, and you click it, you realize that they haven’t made a tweet since 2015. Yeah, that doesn’t look good.

Choosing the platforms

Choosing the platforms that are in good alignment with you, your business, and your market is the right way.

Market research

Here’s the good news about that if you’ve done a little bit of due diligence and some basic market research is fundamental to making all of this work. So we’ll make sure to link up a resource at the end of this.

Target the market

If you do your homework well, you might identify where your target market is present and active. So you can focus there and make that your primary platform and create your pillar content there first.

Again, whether it is a blog, a podcast, or youtube, there is a chance for you to get engaged with some secondary platforms, which could be Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Tick-tock, or whatever. Fortunately, you only need the hard work in that previous step by using the content multiplier formula by taking your primary platform, the pillar piece of content, splicing, and dicing carving it up. So now you’ve got a little part of content and posts that you can share on other platforms that you may not want to prioritize as heavily.

Email marketing.

The other strategy we are talking about is not new and is proving just as effective today as it’s ever been before, is email marketing.

It is the most effective way to engage your customers, clients, and audience. But also most important because it’s incredibly effective. The standard statistics are, when it comes to email marketing, effectiveness is that it provides somewhere around a three thousand eight hundred percent ROI or a four thousand four hundred percent ROI. Again, depending on the statistics, a way that’s a high number, it doesn’t matter what demographic what segment of the market you’re trying to target. They all use email. Most demographics prefer email over other forms of communication. So, for you as a brand, business owner, creator, it’s just a powerful tool.

The most important thing is to do your content marketing work more perfectly is to make sure that you have a deep understanding of your target market. The audience that you are creating the content for, in the first place, means market research.

Fortunately, we’ve got you covered.

Understanding your customer means that you’re better able to position your business or your offer as the main, the only core solution to their problems.