Home Texas 15 Moving Hacks for a Less Stressful Move

15 Moving Hacks for a Less Stressful Move


 Let’s not kid ourselves; moving is a stress-inducing situation. You’re literally uprooting yourself from where you are along with all your possessions and moving to a new place where you have to resettle everything. The toll on a person’s mental state can be immense, leading to anxiety and even panic attacks in some individuals. Most people who move house say that the stress lasts for around three months, starting two whole months before the move and continuing a month afterward. So how do you avoid the stress associated with moving? The best way is to plan beforehand. You can also enlist  experienced moving companies like Mayflower to help you out. With that in mind, we’ve put together some handy “lifehacks” that you can use to help you manage moving stress easily.

1. Save Up before you Move

It might seem like an apparent hack, but having a slush fund to deal with moving costs can help to lower your stress. Nothing is more stressful than paying for something but not having enough money to do so. The issue with moving is that expenses can be completely unexpected. Having a store of funds to deal with them will help you sleep better at night and allow you to manage your stress more easily.

2. Establish and Maintain Your Routine

If you do certain things regularly, don’t break that routine just because you’re moving. You can work your moving responsibilities around your habits to have enough time to get the necessities done. Changing your daily movements will have the added effect of driving your stress levels through the roof.

3. Use Free Packing Supplies When Able

Even though you should have an expenses fund saved up, wasting that money on packing boxes can increase stress. You can get free packing boxes from most groceries or big-box stores. They have a lot of them just lying around and won’t fault you for taking a few of them to help you in your move. It’s far cheaper than buying disposable or plastic moving boxes that won’t see any heavy use after the move.

4. Label Boxes Properly on the Sides

If you want to see your moving items at a glance, using side labels is a good idea. Labeling along the top or the bottom isn’t bad either, but the orientation means you’ll need to shift things to get a better view of where your stuff is. Side labeling ensures you know that heavy stuff isn’t sitting on top of fragile items. Don’t just label one side either. Try to have a label on all four sides to make it easier to identify them at a glance, no matter their orientation.

5. Cut Handles Into Your Moving Boxes

When you compare premade moving boxes to those you get from a big-box store, you’ll probably spot something interesting. The premade moving boxes have handy “handles” cut into their sides. Nothing is stopping you from following their example. Having handles cut into your moving boxes reduces the stress of carrying them and gives you a solid place to hold them for easy movement.

6. Pack An Overnight Bag

Moving is still subject to real-world happenings, and sometimes things go wrong. Being prepared for any eventuality reduces your stress and anxiety. Your overnight bag should contain a change of clothes and the necessities to ensure that you have the basics, should you need them.

7. Keep Small Parts in a Bag

Have you ever wondered if the small parts from disassembling items will get lost in transit? It’s not an unfounded worry, but you can take steps to limit that occurrence. Collecting the small parts and keeping them in a separate bag will allow you to have peace of mind when you finally get to your destination and start mounting up those items.

8. Put Heavy Items at the Bottom

When you’re packing, you shouldn’t be putting the heavy stuff at the top of a box. This can create instability, and when the box tips over, you’ll likely hear the crash as whatever’s inside it breaks. Unfortunately, since there’s no one watching those boxes at the back of a moving truck, you won’t know until you open the box what broke. It’s much less stressful to pack the heavy stuff at the base of the box and leave the light stuff at the top.

9. Don’t Buy Fancy Padding Material

You might be tempted to buy rolls of bubble wrap or cartons of foam to help keep your items from banging into one another during the move. If you have a spare case, you’re welcome to do so, but if you want to save a bit of money while reducing your stress about broken items, paper plates or disposable coffee filters work just as well as padding. Towels can also be used to wrap up things that might run into problems during your move.

10.   Pack Your Suitcases First

The best way to lower your stress is to ensure that your items are with you. Packing your suitcase first means putting as much stuff in there that you can fit to go with you. Ideally, these would be things like valuables or collectibles that you want to care for yourself. The rest can just be piled into boxes afterward.

11. Plan in Advance

Probably the most crucial stress-reducing tip one can offer is to plan the move. If you have the luxury of time, you can set up a detailed plan to help you sort out packing, moving, and unpacking. It might be better to sort out the important stuff just a few weeks before a move. Arranging things like where to keep pets and kids during the moving day will help you avoid the stress of dealing with them.

12. Disassemble Your Furniture

If you have furniture made out of particleboard, they may not make the trip in one piece. Disassemble them and reassemble them at your destination to give them a better chance at surviving the move.

13.Picture Your Cord Setups

When you move houses, you’ll need to rearrange your wires when you get to the new place. But which wires go where? Taking a picture as a reference will help you work out what goes where so you don’t have to spend extra getting someone to come set up your electronics all over again.

14.   Get Rid of Things You Don’t Need

Moving is as much about spring cleaning as it is about getting your stuff to your new house. To reduce your stress, throw out all the things that you don’t enjoy anymore or that have an attachment to bad memories. You’d be surprised how light and free you feel after you do so.

15.   Eat Food From your Fridge During your Last Week

Most people know they should get rid of the food from their fridges and freezers, but instead of throwing it out, spend the last week eating solely from your fridge. When moving day comes about, you should have a more-or-less empty fridge with no wastage.

Lower Your Stress

Stress can lead to all sorts of problems with your health, from heart issues to mental health problems. Managing your stress is critical to ensuring that you don’t fall apart before the move. If you’re interested in hiring a moving company that understands how to help you lower your stress during a move, Texas Moving USA is just the company you need. You can find out more about our packing services here: https://texasmovingusa.com/services/packing/.

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