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 Scholarships Given by Texas Universities


The modern world makes demands on people who want to stand out from the crowd and succeed. You should be bold, brave, persistent, and well-educated to qualify for a decent place under the sun. However, the latter can be quite challenging, especially because studying in a top-notch academic institution may cost you a pretty penny. One can reject the dream of becoming a successful and wealthy person or search for a possible way out. It is worth remembering that we live in a world of endless opportunities, so it is up to you to decide whether they are ready to use them. One of the brightest examples is the ability to get a university scholarship that can partly or even completely cover your education fees and some other living expenses. If you live in Texas, you can find a wide range of different options throughout the state. However, bear in mind that the biggest and coolest academic institutions are located in megalopolises like Dallas and Austen.

Baylor University

If you can boast of academic performance, you can get an incredible opportunity to get an impressive scholarship at this uni. Its authorities want to support young, gifted people interested in getting educated. The great news is that they don’t even require any additional applications. They can provide you with an academic scholarship, which may vary from $35,000 to $85,000. This sum will be divided over eight semesters according to your undergraduate program. Usually, candidates start applying after January, but you should double-check this information. If you have a tough schedule and cannot find time for research, you can always order essay online to meet this challenge.

Rice University

If you consider this university a great option for enrollment, you may get a scholarship that will cover all education fees. They value young people who strive to develop themselves and show diligence. Thus, your academic success will become a key factor both for admission and obtaining a scholarship. You don’t need to fill in any application forms or have an interview since you participate in this ‘lottery’ automatically after enrollment. However, it is necessary to make a final decision by January 1 since it is a deadline.

Southern Methodist University

If your family’s financial situation leaves much to be desired, so you have no chances to get educated without a scholarship that will cover all your expenses, you should consider this university. They value young people for their high academic performance and active community or school engagement, so it can be your winning lottery ticket if you meet their requirements. Its scholarship covers education fees for a bachelor’s degree, personal expenses, meal plans, transportation, and even all expenses involved in participation in one of its international programs. You should submit your application by November.

Texas A&M University

Unlike many other universities mentioned on the list, authorities of this academic institution pay attention to your academic success and leadership qualities, first-generation college status, talents, etc. As a result, you can count on getting about $3,000 per year. Even though this sum may not cover all your expenses, it will reduce them. Just make sure to apply by December.

The University of Texas at Austin

It is considered one of the best academic institutions in the region, so it is not surprising many young people would like to attend it. You should apply for admission and fill in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid to get a chance for a scholarship. In the worst case, it will cover about $5,000 per year. However, if you are lucky enough and can boast of high academic achievements, they can provide you with a scholarship that involves the full cost of studying. Just bear in mind that you should apply by December.

The University of Texas at Dallas

You have a chance to attend one of the top-rated universities in the state in the fall right after high school graduation if you are admitted for the first time. They select freshmen based on the complexity of their curriculum, grades, and SATs. The size of a scholarship may vary dramatically, so it is hard to say what you can count on. Both locals and students who live outside Texas can be provided with AES awards, so you should try your luck anyway, submitting your application by December.

The University of Houston

If your admission application has been completed, you automatically get an opportunity to obtain the Academic Excellence Scholarship. It is important to have high test scores, GPA, and class rank in high school to increase your chances for success. You can count on $6,000 per year whether you are a resident or non-resident of the state. Bear in mind that November 15 is a due date for your application submission.

Texas Christian University and Trinity University

These universities have similar requirements for getting a scholarship. Thus, your chances will depend on a combination of your grades, GPA, SAT, or ACT. Besides, they will consider the complexity of your high school curriculum. In some cases, they may also pay attention to some other achievements of an applicant. The size of a scholarship may vary in both universities, so in the worst case, it will be $12,000. However, if you can boast of high academic performance, it may cover full tuition. In the latter case, you should submit your application by November, while others can do it by February.