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Red flags in relationships


This is especially true at the beginning of relationships, after you start chatting with a person and arrange the first date. Being late here is often an indicator of disrespect for you, which shows that your date is simply not particularly eager to be punctual for you.

There can be many reasons of course, but if this happens regularly, then you definitely do not need such a person next to you. One may be late for work, simply because of a lack of desire to go there, but being late for a date with a loved one does not make much sense.

The fact is that it’s normal for individuals to always feel ashamed of being late, because they understand what it is like to wait for someone. And it’s quite offensive if a person does not feel it, because this often indicates that he simply does not appreciate you.

No friends and family introductions

No doubt that if a person does not introduce you to his or her friends when they meet them it’s a bad sign. This can happen in different ways. For example, your date may simply just say your name when you are standing next to him while communicating with friends. In this case, it is better to be wary and ask your date why he does not specify who you are to him. Sometimes it may signify that a person next to you wants casual, short term relationships.

If you have been going out for some time already, but your partner does not introduce you to friends, does not organize meetings with family, then he may turn out to be married, a womanizer, or just someone who needs only one obvious thing from such relationships. No, it doesn’t mean that you immediately need to click here and look for new matches, but a serious conversation with your partner would definitely be a rational decision.

Flirting with others

Some people, even when they catch their better halves a step before cheating, for example find there profiles on such websites, as www.meetville.com/catalog/us/page/4603-gay-pen-pals, look for an excuse for them and can even blame themselves for it. They justify their actions by the fact that they devoted little time to relationships or their own looks, didn’t invest enough, were too busy, too self-centered and so on.

However, whatever the situation is inside the relationships, the only possible way to solve any problem is by discussing and improving something, but not looking for salvation outside.

Flirting is just the beginning. If he lets himself do it behind your back, he will hardly stop before making one more step.

Certainly such behaviour can be forgiven after you’ve had just one first date, since you do not know what will happen next. But if he has already confessed his love to you, then the situation becomes more serious.

Sharing all details 

Some may consider it to be normal to tell their friends about the details of their partner’s life that are actually private and are not appropriate for sharing.

This applies not just to gossip and stories about the achievements of the partner, or vice versa, embarrassing situations in which this person finds himself. Very often this concerns precisely the problems in the relationship. Who said what, with which intonation, tone and so on. Who and why acted silly and so on.

Such behaviour always makes the better half think “how can I trust my loved one after that?”. And what a person should understand is that this is not a variant of the norm and is opposite to the word “respect”.