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Problems of solitary confinement


If there is one true truth, it is that since the state of alarm was decreed in the world on March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the lives of the people have taken a total turn that has affected all fields. As in the workplace, since a large part of the population began to work from home, a modality in which many still continue because there is no expected date of change of the panorama.

In addition to it, thousands who had traditional positions and occupations either entered a temporary regulation of employment or got laid off. This allowed companies to suspend contracts or reduce their working hours for as long as necessary during the crisis, or had to continue their work by applying health and safety measures at all times.

But if anything has been affected by this global pandemic more than ever, it was personal relationships. Whether with the couple, family or friends, the privatization of being able to socialize for long weeks was unthinkable. Even now, in many parts of the world, such as Spain, there are still leisure-time protection measures, such as reducing the number of people in a meeting or the mandatory use of masks, and everybody is obliged to carry them out.

This is something that does not end here, as people are still asked to be careful at all times, even when they relate to other people. It probably explains why so many just can’t have relationships the way they were used to, before the pandemic hit.

Problems of solitary confinement

Paradigm shift at all levels

During the long weeks of total confinement, long before the de-escalation phases began, everyone was equally forced to live only with the people of their home, unable to meet friends, family members or without the possibility of having moments of leisure with people from outside.

This made different platforms like Skokka offer video call services like the one offered by sexy escorts in Canberra, a place with a wide range of possibilities, to meet the most intimate needs without having any kind of danger.

This modality is not new, but it has seen an increase in demand during the toughest moments of the COVID-19. And even now, because there are many couples who are in different countries or also people who are still limited to be able to go out and find new partners with whom to have sexual encounters.

Platforms like Skokka offer a wide range of options, as it hosts professionals of all kinds and characteristics, to fulfill the fantasy or preference that people want in the sphere of sex.

Intimate encounters in the present moment

Once people were able to leave the house and interact with others, many ran and began socializing with friends and family, often forgetting how important it is for disease control after precautionary measures. The Government has repeatedly urged the country to be careful and to try to be cautious about how they relate.

For this and many other reasons, hundreds of people have started to turn again to the services of escorts in Manchester. Not only because they are still a very good option to satisfy those most intimate needs, but because with them, they would not be exposing themselves so much in comparison to the meeting with complete strangers in a bar, disco, etc.

In addition, platforms like Skokka offer services such as video calls and have another important benefit: the customer himself chooses the time and place, all from the privacy of the computer, tablet or phone without leaving home. Something very practical considering that things as simple as going out for a drink and ending the night with someone else, right now, could be very complicated.

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A professional is always synonymous of safety

Requiring the services of a professional such as the private escort girls in Galway provides total safety, since being a true expert, they will know all the hygiene and safety measures that must be taken.

These types of platforms, offer services of sex workers with the ability to deliver exactly what is required, being able to find different practices that adapt to what is desired.

In addition, it is possible to make a direct communication with the escort, before the meeting, in order to coordinate the appointment and make very clear what is expected.

All the health and safety measures adopted at this time will never be superfluous, because it must not be forgotten that terrible outbreaks are announced by the health workers and leaders of the country, and the adoption and practice of these safety measures is the only way to avoid significant harm to all.