Home Entertainment Metaverse NFT: the new digital reality

Metaverse NFT: the new digital reality


Over the past year, we have been observing the development of interactive platforms. The pandemic has become the driving force behind the development of a new digital reality, when most work processes had to be transferred online. This is another argument in favor of the failure of the version of the natural origin of the virus. After the restrictions, many companies had to switch to remote work and move most of their processes online. The processes of life support services gradually switched to everyday work issues: food delivery, online purchase of medicines, clothes, essentials, ordering household services and much more. Today, it is problematic for each of us to do even one day without the Internet. Therefore, NFT marketplace development services are becoming more in demand and relevant.

Metaverse NFT: the new digital reality

A new round in the evolution of Internet technologies has become the brainchild of developers from the Middle Kingdom. The Metaverse NFT platform impresses with its scale and functionality. Within the framework of augmented reality, consumers will be able to realize their opportunities, spend cryptocurrency, use purchased tokens, identify a person, confirm ownership, and much more.

A number of researchers already rank the project as a real competitor to the Ethereum platform. Moreover, many analysts are convinced that modern interactive reality will strengthen the leadership in the field of high technologies and increase the influence of national geolocation projects.

Technical features of Metaverse NFT

The difference between the trading platform is the ability to exchange personal data in digital format. The unit of the contract architecture is “ether” or a smart contract, if translated by analogy with the closest competitor of Ethereum. Metaverse is a platform for the exchange of intellectual assets, where each participant can sell, sell or exchange a digital asset for any analogue. The developers set the following factors as ecosystem parameters:

  • Permissible issue – up to 100 million coins.
  • Coin of the trading system – ETP. With the help of this currency, the value of assets is measured, as well as the individual options of a product or item. This value measurement system functions in the implementation of all payment transactions within the ecosystem.
  • Programming syntax – family of C++ languages.
  • Money supply resource for miners – 30 million ETR.

The trading platform features a simplified integration mechanism. The system is initially positioned as a B2B service, within which any individual or legal entity, including a state-owned company and a form of ownership with a special status, such as a CJSC, can act as a subject of trade relations. A necessary condition for the start of trading operations is the registration of an asset in the Blockchain. In this, the developers of the Celestial Empire cooperated with their main competitors and supported the integrity of the overall architecture of the Metaverse.

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After the registration procedure in the blockchain, the asset, product or digital item becomes the property of the avatar, which in turn is a confirmation of the owner’s identity. Any player can have an unlimited number of avatars. Moreover, each avatar can carry out an unlimited number of trade operations and interactions with other ecosystem entities.

You can buy the ETP currency on many exchanges, while it is better to store savings in the “native” Metaverse Wallet application. Each avatar owner can integrate other types of cryptocurrencies into the account, the platform does not set strict rules in relation to multicurrency and provides the user with the opportunity to determine the priorities of the money supply. For more information, please learn here.

All monetary denominations purchased in the platform ecosystem chain are displayed in the “all assets” application. The user will be able to control receipts, track dynamics, use available transactions, fill in data for assets, change the features and characteristics of items sold. To carry out the operation, you only need to specify the type of token, value and information about the asset. At the same time, the digital asset is registered locally and does not even require formal confirmation directly on the platform. The procedure for registering an asset in the blockchain is free and will not take much time.