Home Business How Much Lottery Money Go To Charity?

How Much Lottery Money Go To Charity?


Lotteries took a big place in our everydaylife. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent every day on lottery tickets. Lottery organizers say that some of the money raised goes to charity. It can be used to fund such large areas as education, medicine, research and scientific centers, nature reserves, etc. But what exactly is this amount? Let’s try to figure it out.

There is no official national lottery in the United States like it is in Thailand for example. But de facto it is customary to consider Mega Millions and Powerball as national lotteries. These lotteries are subject to official state jurisdictions and have been held on an ongoing basis for more than a dozen years.

Mega Millions

According to Mega Millions official data, 50% of ticket sales goes towards paying prizes to the winners. The remaining 50% is distributed among vendors, staff, and some go to charities. Also in this lottery, there is a rule – if the winner does not appear within the legally established time, the state of the winner manages the money. Most states donate money to educational funds, etc.

Due to the official data of the PA lottery, since its inception in 1972, about $ 28 billion has been transferred to the fund for helping the elderly.

The specifics of the distribution of money received from lotteries differs from state to state. But most states use part of the money received for their own purposes. In many states, money goes to free education, infrastructure improvements, and different funds to help poor people.


This state is concentrating funds on improving the educational field. Some of the money from lottery ticket sales in Florida goes to the State Trust Fund and then donated to funds to improve the skills of employees in government positions.


Most of the lottery money in this state goes to fund numerous nature reserves and wildlife parks. Thus, every buyer of a lottery ticket in Colorado in one way or another helps the conservation of animals and wildlife.


Texas is one of those states that believe that money should be invested in education. Therefore, some of the money received from the lottery goes to educational funds. This is approximately 27%. Since 1997, the Texas education system has received approximately $22 billion from ticket sales.

The lottery is a great reason for states to develop those areas for which a small budget is initially allocated. According to statistics, 21% of the money from ticket sales is mainly used to support the activities of various charitable foundations. And this is a pretty good indicator. Check even more details on different lotteries on Loto6.org.

Recently in the United States, a trend on “incidental lotteries” has been gaining popularity. These lotteries are not very common and are local in the United States. They can be carried out by commercial and non-commercial enterprises. But the main goal is to raise funds for charity or other good reasons. Therefore, when buying a ticket for such a lottery, you can definitely be sure that the money will go to a good cause.