Home Business Guide to Employee Recruiting Management

Guide to Employee Recruiting Management


The recruitment of employees dates back to time immemorial. Business outfits have and will always need to screen and recruit employees. During the recruitment process, their suitability for the job is assessed and decided upon. The employer also talks about the pay and agrees upon it. The final step is usually the hiring and integration process into the place of employment. 

The world has evolved through numerous centuries and decades into the digital age. Now, most of the recruitment process, ranging from sourcing suitable job candidates to the actual recruitment is carried out digitally. Another concept that has gone through evolution is the name. What was once solely referred to as recruiting is now identified by other names such as talent acquisition. 

This evolution has also given deeper meaning to the process. Though recruiting and talent acquisition sound similar and are in some cases, used interchangeably, there are significant differences between both concepts. These are things we should look into and have an understanding of before we delve into the guide to managing employee recruitment. 

The Concept of Recruitment

Recruitment involves sourcing, selecting, hiring, and finally onboarding new employees. It’s a process that converts prospective employees to new employees. However, it’s just a part of talent acquisition, a significant part to be precise. Its focal point is the practical steps involved to get new hires for an organization. On the flip side, talent acquisition is more focused on the future and the human resources needed by the firm to remain relevant in its industry. 

Typically, the recruiting process starts with a formal demand for a job opening, which also involves justification for the necessity of the job opening. This goes alongside other relevant details such as the nature of the job position (part-time, contract, intern, or full-time), and the timing of the recruitment process. Once the demand for a job position receives approval, the HR department proceeds to prepare a comprehensive job description. This description may enhance or configure the information offered in the demand for that job position. 

The information that makes up the job description is the basis for the job opening that will be published on the company’s career webpage (internally) and through social media or on job boards (externally). Job listings also come with extra information that highlights the career opportunities that accompany the position. The job listing goes beyond thoroughly describing the opening. It also promotes the organization by highlighting the reasons anyone will want to be employed there. 

These days, parent companies and recruitment agencies use resume parsers such as Affinda to select candidates based on the relevancy and value of their resumes. After the CV review process, the recruitment managers will then decide on the best candidate(s) for the job position(s). Then, the managers will call chosen candidate(s) and discuss relevant details such as remuneration and work incentives such as health insurance, vacations, etc.

Afterward, the company officials make a formal offer of employment. If the chosen applicant(s) accepts the offer and pens their signature, employee onboarding begins from that moment. 

The Concept of Talent Acquisition

Talent acquisition incorporates staff recruitment, but it goes beyond just that. It also involves the execution of certain strategies or techniques that apply in-depth analysis to the organization’s need for talent. It also extends to how the need for talent is relevant to their organizational goals and the things recruiting managers and the organization’s HR department can do to merge the gaps between them. 

Talent acquisition as a concept also differs from talent management. The former is premised on the recruitment and onboarding of employees, which are the key processes in talent management. The latter is the full process that flows through the entire life cycle of the employee. In other words, talent management is broader than talent acquisition. Talent management extends to performance management, training and development opportunities, compensation, and succession planning. 

Talent acquisition, to an extent, involves the collection of data and analysis of a staff member’s time at the company. For instance, data about the performance reviews of successful staff members to come up with a list of requirements or criteria to find in a future job candidate. However, it still tunnels down to the recruitment process. 

Why Companies Should Have a Guide to Employee Recruitment Management?

Once again, before we delve into the actual guide to managing recruits, you must know the benefits that come with it. They include:

  • You Spend Less on the Hiring Process

When companies are proactive in the recruitment of new staff members, this will result in enhanced performance and productivity in the organization. Your departments are equipped with the relevant human and material resources to carry out their roles. This goes along with helping the organization lower hiring expenses. 

  • Hiring High-Value Candidates

A comprehensive recruitment management guide will help your organization recruit and onboard high-value staff members by fast-tracking the recruitment process. On the other hand, a slower process can trigger disappointments in suitably qualified job applicants and cause them to cast their lots elsewhere. 

The findings of a survey conducted on over 100 organizations and 3,000 job applicants revealed that roughly 92% of employers offer chosen candidates the job position within seven days of the job interview. 

  • Enhanced Staff Productivity

A fine-tuned and well-planned recruitment process will give the HR department ample space and time to focus on the training and development of both new and old employees. When this happens, it will enhance employee engagement and result in their productivity, which will generate lasting benefits for the employer. 

Key Elements of the Ideal Employee Recruitment Management Guide

The perfect employee recruitment management guide should contain the following components:

  • Adopting Automated Processes

Employers should adopt the utilization of tools that can automate the process of sourcing job applicants, reviewing their resumes, and posting job openings. This maximizes efficiency and takes away allowance for human error. At the same time, employers and the HR department have more time on their hands to nurture budding relationships with new employees. 

  • Establish a Referral Program for your Staff Members

An organization should adopt the establishment of referral programs for their employees because this is an effective way of getting their employees active in the process of recruitment. A referral program will motivate your employees to publicize job openings and connect your organization to suitably qualified candidates for job listings. 

When the collective networks or social circles are pooled as a recruiting resource for the company, it gives them a much larger talent pool to source candidates. 

  • Base Your Decisions on Data Findings

Companies should invest in data analysis to get data on the number of job applicants they got from a job listing, how many candidates they selected for an interview, where they sourced the best candidates from, and so on. Data analysis helps employers reflect on and evaluate the recruitment process of each new staff member. 

Making decisions influenced by findings from data analysis goes a long way in improving and polishing the company’s recruitment process. 

  • Have a Strong Organisational Brand

Recruitment shouldn’t be regarded and executed like a one-way street. On the contrary, a recruitment process should be mutually beneficial. We mean just as applicants need the job and the benefits that come with it, so does employers need new talent and human resource to keep the day-to-day business running. 

Job applicants invest their time and energy trying to present themselves, skills, and experience as best as possible to prospective employers. On the flip side, organizations should invest time and effort into being an attractive destination for high-value job candidates. The organization should reflect its vision, mission, and core values. 

They should ensure their organizational culture is well represented on their website and social media profiles. This is ideal because, in this digital age, a lot of job research is carried out online. So, a strong online brand is of the utmost importance. 

How to Manage Employee Recruitment?

The guide below contains important steps that companies should implement to effectively manage their employee recruitment. They include:

  • Know What You Want

The first step to effective employee recruitment management is knowing what you want as an employer. Without clarity on what you want in an employee, you’ll end up recruiting low-value job candidates. Companies should use document tools such as Draftable to pen down a list of requirements or criteria for a particular job position. 


Replacing a recently vacant or an existing job role may get easier with time because you already know what you want for that position. However, when it comes to new job roles, this task can become dicey without clarity on the kind of employee you want for that position. 

In summary, when organizations are familiar and clear with what they want for certain job positions, it helps them build an ideal employee profile and guides them in coming up with the job description. This brings us to the second step in this guide. 

  • Creating the Job Description

Once an organization knows what they require for a position, creating a catchy and well-detailed job description will be a piece of cake. It involves writing out the expected duties and roles that come with a certain job position. The job description conveys what the organization wants to prospective job applicants. 

We recommend making your job description as specific as possible to attract the right candidates and screen out the wrong ones. 

  • Having a Recruitment Plan

When an organization has a recruitment plan, it makes the process faster, saving them energy and valuable time in the process. When drafting a recruitment plan, ensure it incorporates the best strategies in creating publicity about job listings and openings through various mediums. 

The recruitment plan should also make provision for who will handle resume reviews, schedule interviews, and pick the most ideal candidate (whether it’s going to be the HR or a recruitment agency).

  • Sourcing Job Applicants

With clarity on what you’re looking for in an employee, a well-detailed job description, and a complete recruitment plan, you can proceed to the actual process of recruiting new staff members. We recommend adopting certain tools to minimize the time you’ll spend sourcing applicants. 

Sourcing job candidates can take a lot of time, so the adoption of automated tools will save you time and help you screen out low-value job candidates. 

  • Be Timely in Communicating to Applicants

One thing every organization should know is that highly qualified candidates have several options because they are fielding job offers from other companies as well. So it is essential to be timely in your communications with them to get them on board or risk them losing interest in your job offer. 

  • Execute Mobile Screening

Companies can carry out phone screening to slim down the process of selecting candidates. You can take your time to interview each applicant. Ensure that you have drafted a list of suitable interview questions before you begin. 

  • The Interview Itself

After a phone screening, arrange or schedule an interview to hold within seven days. Let your chosen applicants know where they are in the recruitment funnel and the period it will take the company to give them feedback. Don’t keep them guessing or leave them in the dark. Also, ensure you follow up on all applicants after the interview, including the ones you probably won’t accept for the job.

In summary, invest time in the job candidates before, during, and after the interview.

  • Make Your Job Offer

Offering a job is one thing, your applicants accepting the job is another. So to increase the likelihood of your chosen candidates accepting your job offer, make it as attractive as possible. The job offer should include negotiations on remuneration, staff welfare, and other work incentives.

  • Employee Onboarding

This begins after your newest employee accepts your job offer. Employee onboarding helps new employees get settled in their new place of employment and have a welcoming experience. Onboarding goes beyond paperwork and extends to resources and processes that will facilitate the blending of new hires into the company. You can uplift their work experience with the training program, too.


The hiring process doesn’t stop after a candidate has accepted your offer. You need to spend more time behind the onboarding and training process. This handy guide will help you with the same. 

Author’s BIO: Lori Wade is a journalist and content writer from Louisville. Lori creates news and informative articles about HR, recruiting, and employee productivity. You can find her on LinkedIn.