Home Lifestyle Drowning Prevention Strategies for Pools

Drowning Prevention Strategies for Pools


Swimming pools are fun! It’s a great spot to enjoy your day with family and friends. Children surely love pools,but pools can be dangerous for kids. Unfortunately, around 800 children drown in swimming pools yearly, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The most vulnerable are kids under 4 years old.

On the bright side, these pool accidents can easily be prevented. You can protect your kids and loved ones by imposing these drowning prevention strategies at your pool.

Install alarms

 A swimming pool alarm can be a life-saver, especially if you have children. There are many types of alarms you can install to prevent kids from drowning in the pool. One of the companies that provide efficient pool security is SwamCam, LLC.

Teach kids to swim

 If your kids know how to swim, they are less likely to drown in the pool. While accidents can still happen, knowing how to swim is your child’s first line of defense against drowning. Swimming is an easily teachable skill. If you don’t have time to teach your children, you can simply enroll them in swimming classes. That way, they learn from a licensed professional.

Take CPR class

 Knowing CPR is a real life-saver. This will come in handy in emergency situations, such as when someone accidentally  drowns in your pool. You never know when a pool accident happens. When you know how to properly perform CPR you’re always ready. CPR lessons only take a few hours.

Designate a lifeguard

If you are throwing a party in the pool area or if there are many people swimming in your pool, you must always designate a “lifeguard.” There must always be someone who will watch that everyone’s safe in the pool, someone who will vigilantly look for any signs of “drowning.” Adults can take turns in being the “lifeguard” so that  they can still enjoy the party and join in the fun.

Block pool access

Drowning happens not only during pool parties. More pool accidents happen when nobody else is around. To prevent kids and others from entering your pool, block access to the pool area. You can keep the pool covered during months when the pool is rarely used. Impose do’s and don’ts regarding the use of the swimming pool.

You can also fence the pool area. Make the fence tall enough so that children won’t easily access the pool area when no one’s watching. The pool area should also be visible from outside the fence, so that you can easily see if there’s somebody there. As an added protection, you can install alarms at the pool gate.

Stay sober

 You can’t stop family and friends from bringing drinks to your pool party. While drinking at pool parties may not pose a threat, excessive drinking may reach a point of impairing your safety and that of others. IBy staying sober, you can keep an eye out for other people who may have drunk too much alcohol.

Don’t put toys in the pool

 A pool in itself may be attractive to kidsBut what’s even more attractive to kids are toys in the pool. When children see toys floating in the water, they may come closer to the water to get the toys. After using pool toys, always safely store them away. Limit reasons for kids to enter into the pool area, thereby reducing the likelihood of pool accidents.

Keep emergency kits nearby

 You must have emergency equipment in the pool area. Basic life-saving equipment are reaching poles, a life ring, and a shepherd’s hook. It’s always better to prepare for accidents and emergencies than to be stuck in one unequipped.