Home Health Debunking Common Vaccination Myths

Debunking Common Vaccination Myths


Vaccination is one of the most celebrated inventions in the history of science because it enabled the prevention of potentially fatal infections. The World Health Organization estimated that vaccination prevented ten million deaths between 2010 and 2015. The partnership between pharma manufacturing companies and contract pharma evolved the vaccination industry.  But, in recent years, there have been some misconceptions about vaccination preventing people from getting vaccinated. One speculated cause is the re-emergence of vaccine-preventable diseases like whooping cough. 

Some common myths about vaccination are as follows:

 Myth # 1: Vaccines Cause Sickness. 


Vaccines do not actually cause sickness. After getting a shot, there are some mild symptoms, like soreness at an injection site or low-grade fever. These symptoms dissipate quickly. The serious side effects occur so rarely that the statistical analysis has been impossible to make. 

Myth # 2: Vaccines Cause Autism.


The myth that the MMR vaccine in British Children causes autism arose from an article published in The Lancet, a renowned medical journal. This paper, published by Andrew Wakefield, was completely discredited due to errors in methodology, conflict of interest and ethical violations. Andrew Wakefield lost his license, and his paper was retracted. Nonetheless, various scientists experimented on his hypothesis, and none found a link between MMR and autism. 

Myth # 3: Infant Immune System Can’t Handle A Lot Of Vaccines.


The immune system of infants is strong enough to handle ten thousand vaccines at the same time. If all the essential vaccines were given simultaneously, the baby would be able to take them, and it would constitute only 0.1 per cent of his total ability to tolerate vaccines. Moreover, this limitation of vaccination is theoretical because the immune system can not get overwhelmed due to the continuous turnover of cells. 

Myth # 4: Natural Immunity Is Better Than Vaccination Acquired Artificial Immunity.


Natural immunity develops after contracting a disease and recovering from it. No doubt that innate immunity is very strong and has certain benefits. But, it is also true that the adverse effects outweigh the benefits. 1 in 500 people die due to symptoms of measles, but only one in a million people develop any side effects from the MMR vaccine. 

Myth # 5: Vaccines Contain Unsafe Toxins.


People are worried about using various components in vaccines, like formaldehyde, mercury and aluminium, because they are toxic and harmful to the body. The amount of these compounds used in vaccines is very small and approved by the FDA. Such small amounts do not cause any harm to the body. Our body produces more formaldehyde than is present in a vaccine. 

Myth # 6: Better Hygiene Is Enough For Decreasing Infections; Vaccines Are Not Needed. 


It is no disputable fact that vaccines alone are not responsible for preventing infections. Other measures like hygiene, development of antibiotics and sanitation have important roles. But, when you look at the statistics, the importance of vaccines can not be denied.

For example, in 1963, there was a steady count of about 400,000 measles infections per year in the USA. But the discovery of the MMR vaccine reduced this number to 25,000 by 1970, considering that the hygiene and sanitation habits stayed the same.