
Buck Mike: Texas Partisan Index Evaluation of State Congressional Districts

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Texas Legislative TPI Rating

Now that the 88th regular session is over, attention will turn to the 2024 elections, with a long summer special session ahead. The presidential election will be the centerpiece, followed by the re-election of Senator Ted Cruz (Republican, Texas).

However, Republicans and Democrats’ no votes in the state legislature have many issues, including a handful of hard-fought seats that both parties want to keep or overturn.

Here’s an overview Texas Partisan Index (TPI) An evaluation (albeit in “nominal form”) of each state legislative seat as provisional begins.

TPI is the average of statewide election results in a given constituency over the last two election cycles.


area modern representative TPI in 2022 2020 TPI
1 Gary Vandever (R) R-78% R-75%
2 Vacancy R-82% R-81%
3 Cecil Bell Jr. (R) R-79% R-79%
Four Keith Bell (R) R-71% R-72%
Five Cole Hefner (R) R-83% R-81%
6 Matt Shaffer (R) R-72% R-70%
7 Jay Dean (R) R-73% R-71%
8 Cody Harris (R) R-81% R-79%
9 Trent Ashby (R) R-79% R-77%
Ten Brian Harrison (R) R-69% R-70%
11 Travis Krady (R) R-78% R-76%
12 Kyle Kakal (R) R-75% R-72%
13 Angelia Orr (R) R-75% R-72%
14 John Rainey (R) R-59% R-58%
15 Steve Toth (R) R-66% R-67%
16 Will Metcalf (R) R-80% R-79%
17 Stan Gerdes (R) R-65% R-64%
18 Ernest Bailes (R) R-84% R-83%
19 Ellen Troxclair (R) R-73% R-73%
20 Terry Wilson (R) R-59% R-60%
twenty one Dade Phelan (R) R-80% R-78%
twenty two Christian Hayes (Democrat) D-58% D-61%
twenty three Terry Leo Wilson (R) R-63% R-61%
twenty four Greg Bonen (R) R-69% R-68%
twenty five Kodi Vasut (R) R-61% R-61%
26 Jaycee Jetton (R) R-60% R-60%
27 Ron Reynolds (Democrat) D-71% D-72%
28 Gary Gates (R) R-60% R-59%
29 Ed Thompson (R) R-61% R-60%
30 Jeanie Morrison (R) R-78% R-76%
31 Ryan Gillen (R) R-62% R-57%
32 Todd Hunter (R) R-62% R-61%
33 Justin Holland (R) R-64% R-63%
34 Abel Herrero (Democrat) D-54% D-57%
35 Oscar Longoria (Democrat) D-61% D-67%
36 Sergio Munoz Jr. (Democrat) D-61% D-67%
37 Janie Lopez (R) D-51% D-53%
38 Erin Gamez (D) D-65% D-69%
39 Armando Martinez (D) D-61% D-65%
40 Terry Canales (D) D-62% D-67%
41 Bobby Guerra (Democrat) D-56% D-59%
42 Richard Peña Raymond (Democrat) D-64% D-67%
43 JM Lozano (R) R-62% R-59%
44 John Kempel (R) R-66% R-65%
45 Erin Zwiener (D) D-58% D-58%
46 Cheryl Cole (Democrat) D-76% D-76%
47 Vicky Goodwin (Democrat) D-60% D-58%
48 Donna Howard (Democrat) D-70% D-68%
49 Gina Hinojosa (D) D-83% D-82%
50 James Tallarico (Democrat) D-77% D-76%
51 Maria Luisa Flores (D) D-83% D-84%
52 Caroline Harris (R) R-55% R-55%
53 Andrew Ma (R) R-79% R-78%
54 Brad Buckley (R) R-58% R-55%
55 Hugh Shine (R) R-58% R-57%
56 Doc Anderson (R) R-69% R-68%
57 Richard Hayes (R) R-60% R-60%
58 Dwayne Barnes (R) R-79% R-78%
59 Shelby Slawson (R) R-80% R-79%
60 Glenn Rogers (R) R-84% R-84%
61 Frederick Frazier (R) R-58% R-58%
62 Reggie Smith (R) R-79% R-78%
63 Ben Bumgarner (R) R-57% R-57%
64 Lynn Stucky (R) R-63% R-62%
65 Kronda Timesh (R) R-59% R-58%
66 Matt Shaheen (R) R-59% R-59%
67 Jeff Leach (R) R-58% R-58%
68 David Spiller (R) R-87% R-86%
69 James Frank (R) R-79% R-77%
70 Michaela Plesa (Democrat) D-52% flat
71 Stan Lambert (R) R-79% R-78%
72 Drew Darby (R) R-79% R-78%
73 Carrie Isaac (R) R-71% R-71%
74 Eddie Morales Jr. (Democrat) D-53% D-58%
75 Mary Gonzales (D) D-66% D-72%
76 Sleman Lalani (Democrat) D-59% D-61%
77 Lina Ortega (D) D-75% D-78%
78 Joe Moody (D) D-58% D-61%
79 Claudia Ordaz Perez (Democrat) D-66% D-69%
80 Tracy King (Democrat) R-51% D-53%
81 Brooks Landgraf (R) R-76% R-73%
82 Tom Craddick (R) R-81% R-79%
83 Dustin Burrows (R) R-80% R-78%
84 Carl Tepper (R) R-62% R-60%
85 Stan Kitzman (R) R-72% R-68%
86 John Smithee (R) R-83% R-82%
87 Four Price (R) R-80% R-78%
88 Ken King (R) R-86% R-84%
89 Candy Noble (R) R-59% R-60%
90 Ramon Romero Jr. (R) D-68% D-70%
91 Stephanie Crick (R) R-62% R-63%
92 Salman Bhojani (Democrat) D-59% D-60%
93 Nate Schatzlein (R) R-60% R-60%
94 Tony Tinderholt (R) R-57% R-58%
95 Nicole Collier (R) D-75% D-76%
96 David Cook (R) R-57% R-58%
97 Craig Goldman (R) R-58% R-59%
98 Giovanni Capriglione (R) R-66% R-67%
99 Charlie Jellen (R) R-61% R-60%
100 Benton Jones (Democrat) D-84% D-85%
101 Chris Turner (Democrat) D-67% D-67%
102 Ana Maria Ramos (Democrat) D-63% D-63%
103 Raphael Anchia (D) D-72% D-72%
104 Jessica Gonzalez (D) D-68% D-70%
105 Terry Meza (Democrat) D-58% D-60%
106 Jared Patterson (R) R-60% R-61%
107 Victoria Neve (Democrat) D-63% D-64%
108 Morgan Meyer (R) R-57% R-59%
109 Karl Sherman Jr. (Democrat) D-79% D-80%
110 Toni Rose (D) D-86% D-87%
111 Yvonne Davis (Democrat) D-79% D-79%
112 Angie Chen Button (D) R-53% R-55%
113 Letta Bowers (D) D-58% D-59%
114 John Bryant (Democrat) D-66% D-65%
115 Julie Johnson (Democrat) D-56% D-55%
116 Trey Martinez Fisher (Democrat) D-68% D-68%
117 Philip Cortez (Democrat) D-61% D-62%
118 John LeJean (R) R-50% flat
119 Elizabeth Campos (Democrat) D-64% D-66%
120 Barbara Garvin Hawkins (Democrat) D-67% D-67%
121 Steve Allison (R) R-54% R-56%
122 Mark Dorazio (R) R-58% R-60%
one two three Diego Bernal (D) D-65% D-65%
124 Josie Garcia (Democrat) D-67% D-68%
125 Ray Lopez (Democrat) D-61% D-61%
126 Sam Harless (R) R-62% R-62%
127 Charles Cunningham (R) R-61% R-61%
128 Brisco Kane (R) R-70% R-69%
129 Dennis Paul (R) R-60% R-59%
130 Tom Oliverson (R) R-70% R-69%
131 Alma Allen (D) D-80% D-83%
132 Mike Scofield (R) R-59% R-60%
133 Mano Deayara (R) R-58% R-57%
134 Ann Johnson (Democrat) D-58% D-57%
135 John Rosenthal (Democrat) D-59% D-62%
136 John Busey (Democrat) D-62% D-60%
137 Jean Wu (D) D-63% D-66%
138 Lacey Hull (R) R-57% R-56%
139 Jarvis Johnson (Democrat) D-72% D-75%
140 Armand Walle (Democrat) D-69% D-74%
141 Semfronia Thompson (Democrat) D-82% D-84%
142 Harold Dutton Jr. (Democrat) D-74% D-76%
143 Ana Hernandez (Democrat) D-65% D-69%
144 Mary Ann Perez (Democrat) D-55% D-59%
145 Christina Morales (Democrat) D-69% D-71%
146 Sean Thierry (D) D-79% D-79%
147 Jolanda Jones (Democrat) D-78% D-79%
148 The Penny Morales Show (Democrat) D-56% D-59%
149 Hubert Vo (D) D-62% D-65%
150 Valorie Swanson (R) R-60% R-60%


area current senator TPI in 2022 2020 TPI
1 Brian Hughes (R) R-77% R-75%
2 Bob Hall (R) R-61% R-60%
3 Robert Nichols (R) R-76% R-73%
Four Brandon Clayton (R) R-69% R-68%
Five Charles Schwertner (R) R-62% R-62%
6 Carol Alvarado (D) D-66% D-70%
7 Paul Bettencourt (R) R-62% R-61%
8 Angela Paxton (R) R-60% R-60%
9 Kelly Hancock (R) R-59% R-59%
Ten Phil King (R) R-61% R-60%
11 Mays Middleton (R) R-61% R-60%
12 Tampa Car (R) R-60% R-60%
13 Boris Miles (D) D-78% D-80%
14 Sarah Eckhart (D) D-75% D-74%
15 John Whitmayer (Democrat) D-63% D-64%
16 Nathan Johnson (Democrat) D-62% D-62%
17 Joan Huffman (R) R-63% R-62%
18 Lois Korkhorst (R) R-63% R-61%
19 Roland Gutierrez (D) D-55% D-57%
20 Juan Hinojosa (Democrat) D-55% D-59%
twenty one Judith Zafilini (Democrat) D-59% D-62%
twenty two Brian Bardwell (R) R-64% R-63%
twenty three Lois West (D) D-77% D-78%
twenty four Pete Flores (R) R-63% R-62%
twenty five Donna Campbell (R) R-62% R-63%
26 Jose Menendez (Democrat) D-65% D-65%
27 Morgan Lamantia (D) D-52% D-56%
28 Charles Perry (R) R-77% R-75%
29 Cesar Blanco (Democrat) D-64% D-68%
30 Drew Springer (R) R-65% R-64%
31 Kevin Sparks (R) R-81% R-80%

https://thetexan.news/the-back-mic-the-texas-partisan-index-ratings-of-state-legislature-districts/ Buck Mike: Texas Partisan Index Evaluation of State Congressional Districts

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