Home Health Can bottle-feeding be a good alternative to breast milk?

Can bottle-feeding be a good alternative to breast milk?


First and foremost, the best option for feeding your little one is breast milk itself. You will not ponder if it is nutritious and good while using it. It will just meet all the needs of your baby. But when breast-feeding is inaccessible for some reasons and you look for a good alternative to it, all pediatricians and other experts will recommend a baby formula as a suitable milk for little ones. Why are they so popular and are they really the best alternative? Let’s take a closer look at it.

Why not regular cow’s or goat’s milk?

Some decades ago the only substitutes for breast milk were regular cow’s or goat’s milk. It was okay for people to raise their children on these milk and they grow healthy and strong. But the modern world doesn’t stand still and comes up with brilliant ideas, for example, about baby’s feeding. Regular milk is quite different to human breast milk as it contains much more proteins, less carbohydrates, iron and vitamins that are necessary for all children. Using it all the time during the first months of life can put baby’s kidney function at risk and in general lead to digestive disorder. It isn’t delicate enough to take. So it’s definitely better to use a baby formula which enriches your little one with different nutrients and is created specifically for tender little organisms.

Is baby formula as nutritious as breast milk?

Of course, baby formulas are different in their composition, country of origin, features and policy prices. Sadly to say, but not all of them are great choices for your little one. You need to take into account all the recommendations of doctors and experts to find the best one. But if we are talking about high-quality and widely recognized formulas, their content will surprise you. European organic formulas, for example, are famous for their proximity to breast milk. They provide babies with all the necessary proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and other useful nutrients. Modern formulas are as delicate and close to breast milk as possible. So be sure your little one will enjoy it. The main difference is connected to the presence of antibodies that are transferred from the mother’s body to the baby. Only breastfeeding gives this benefit and makes a little one more resistant to any kind of infections and strengthen his or her immunity system. You can not substitute natural antibodies while formula-feeding.

Baby formulas are suitable for different health issues

There are a wide variety of baby formulas on the market that you can choose from. Manufacturers try to do their best and create formulas that will be suitable for every baby. They can cope with different health issues like reflux, spitting, lactose intolerance, allergies, diarrhea, rash, belly pain and others. So if your baby is not feeling well, shows some symptoms of illnesses or just has a bad sleep, there is always a way to change your formulas that will be completely perfect for your loved one. Remember, that it’s necessary to ask your family doctor for advice and find some more information about a particular baby formula before you will try it and then it will be safe and beneficial for your baby. Moreover, baby formulas satisfy babies’ needs at different stages of life. So they will increase the amount of nutrients according to the needs of the child at each step.

Therefore, keep in mind that breastfeeding is always the best option for your child. In case when it’s impossible you can turn to baby formulas that are quite high-quality nowadays. But be cautious while choosing it and you will find the best one for your little one.