Home Entertainment A New Side Hustle: Mobile Slot Games

A New Side Hustle: Mobile Slot Games



Everybody has different mobile applications downloaded on their phone — from social media apps to photo editing apps. It may seem like all fun and games, but many people have started to make money on apps by playing casino games. Whether you are on the way to work, or bored in the bathroom, you can play your favorite games and earn a little extra. This is perfect for people who are looking for a side hustle but are constantly on the move. If that sounds enticing to you, read on and learn more about mobile slot games that you can play on your iPhone. It will definitely give you an adrenaline rush to reap the monetary rewards of playing a simple game.

Mobile vs Desktop Slots

Don’t fret if you are unsure about whether mobile or desktop slots are right for you. The main difference between playing slots on your phone and on your computer is the differing screen sizes. When playing slots on your phone, the user interface would have been altered to fit a smaller device, which means that the screen is less cluttered. In contrast, playing slots on your desktop computer would have a more comprehensive interface, with lots of different functions on the screen. This does not mean that one is easier or better than the other, it all boils down to personal preference.

Despite the different user interfaces, the basic rules and regulations of online slots are more or less the same, whether you are playing on mobile or on desktop. In fact, the app developers have put in extra effort to ensure that all the aspects of the game have been successfully converted to the phone screen so that users do not miss out on the gameplay experience.

Choosing the right app

A New Side Hustle: Mobile Slot Games

 With the exciting prospect of making money while gaming, it’s easy to understand why someone would be eager to dive straight into playing slots. However, one should not let their excitement override any informed judgment. Although it’s tempting to immediately download an app, we recommend that you thoroughly do research and ensure the legitimacy of the app — you should only deposit at reputable casinos.

The Apple app store has a wide variety of casino apps available for download, so if you have an iPhone, then you are in luck. Unfortunately, for Andriod users, any gambling applications that provide cash benefits on the Google Play store have been banned.

If you do not want to download an app, due to storage reasons, you can also use the casino’s instant-play interface on your phone browser. With the convenience of mobile gambling, it is a good fit for people who are on the go. Simply access the mobile website, sign in, and get started!

Why you should play mobile slots

Playing slots on your iPhone as opposed to a personal computer has a number of advantages which we will discuss further.

It is convenient

One clear advantage is being able to play anytime and anywhere as long as you have your smartphone with you. Smartphones have brought about an easy way to access the internet from anywhere which is something that we have become very dependent on. With this ease of access to the internet, it has also brought about an ease of access to online gambling. Prior to smartphones, we were limited to playing slots either at physical casinos or on our desktops at home. Smartphones allow us to play slots during moments of downtime in our daily lives. As long as you have enough battery and a stable internet connection, you can open up the app and start playing.

The interface is simpler

​​Another thing that players might not even consider is that some of these online slot games were developed back when smartphones did not exist. Therefore, in order to appeal to players, software companies and developers had to update these slot games for higher resolutions screens that new smartphones typically come with. As a result, mobile users will have better-looking games than desktop users, which could, in turn, attract even more people to play on their mobile phones instead.

Things to note about playing mobile slots

Mobile slot games certainly have their advantages and can seem like a fun way to earn some extra cash. However, there are a few things that you would need to take note of before you start, we have listed them out for you here.

You need a stable internet connection

As with any online game, there is a need for a constant stable network connection when playing mobile slots. This should not be an issue if you are connected to a stable wifi network when you are at home. If you are playing on your mobile device without WiFi it is imperative that you have sufficient data in your phone plan. This is less of an issue now as compared to years ago when fast internet connections were rare. However, it is still important to note that it would be difficult for you to play mobile slots if you are in a place with an unstable internet connection as it would disrupt your gameplay.

Mobile slots would require a lot of battery

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Additionally, playing mobile slots would also take a large percentage of your phone’s battery power. This is due to the large amount of power that is needed to render the various graphics and background processes that the app uses. So if you would like to get started with playing mobile slots, you can bring around your phone charger or a power bank. You can easily purchase a power bank and a compatible iPhone at your nearest electronics store, it is a good investment especially if your phone’s battery capacity is low. That way, you can play the game without worrying about whether your phone would go flat while you are out and about.

Some slot games may not be available on mobile

Many developers are moving and updating the software of their games to be transferred to the mobile platform. While there is an immense amount of games available, there are still some that fall behind. The older and less popular casino games do not have any developers pushing them onto the competitive mobile platform. You would be hard tasked to find the game you want if it hasn’t already been updated.


One cannot deny that mobile slots have their fun and remunerative merits. Nevertheless, good things never come easily. You are encouraged to survey the array of mobile slot apps and mindfully evaluate their pros and cons. Additionally, you have to ensure that you have enough battery and data to play the games as well. Although it might seem overwhelming, once you find some momentum, it’s all fun and games from there!