Home Texas 5 Tips for Controlling Your Appetite

5 Tips for Controlling Your Appetite


There may be times when you realize the numbers are creeping higher on the scale and you wonder what gives. A number on the scale that’s higher than you expected is never a fun way to start the day!

However, it can lead to a bit of self-discovery and improved personal habits. So trust us, it’s not all bad news!

If you’re eating more than usual, naturally you’ll gain more weight. And if this is something you’d like to put a stop to, we have the means to do so. Here are five tips for controlling your appetite safely and effectively.

1. Water, Water Everywhere

We cannot overstate the value of drinking lots of water in your daily life. Drinking water to stay hydrated helps your body function as it needs to, for one thing.

It also prevents nasty dehydration side effects, such as headaches and body cramps.

And, believe it or not, it can even suppress your appetite!

Yes, this tasteless, calorie- and fat-free drink can actually help keep you full. If you’re having a hard time with portion control during meals and overindulging in snacks in general, keep a glass of water handy.

Whenever the urge to snack for fun arises, drink a glass of water. The same goes before a meal. Drink a glass of water before you load up your plate. Since water has a way of filling the belly, you’ll feel fuller faster when you drink before a meal and while you’re eating.

It’s the simplest way to control your appetite, all while flushing your body with the necessary hydration!

2. Change What You’re Putting on Your Plate

If you tend to chow down on meals that are less than nutritious and comprise empty-calorie foods, you may frequently feel hungry.

Instead of opting for whatever’s on hand, put more thought into what you’re eating. For instance, consider swapping out some of your dietary standards for healthier substitutions.

Here are some common examples:

  • Replace white rice and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain pasta.
  • Instead of sinking your teeth into milk chocolate, opt for dark chocolate.
  • Replace your usual hot tea with a cup of yerba mate, known to suppress appetite and boost metabolism.

When in doubt, add more protein and high-fiber foods to your plate, both of which keep you fuller for longer.

3. Get Moving

Sure, a consistent exercise routine can help you maintain a healthy weight.

But did you know it can also help suppress your hunger?

That may seem counterintuitive at first glance. After all, when you exercise you’re burning fat and speeding up your metabolism, which should give you a larger appetite than usual.

However, exercise impacts more than the visible parts of our bodies. It can also reduce activity in the part of the brain responsible for developing food cravings!

In particular, aerobic activity reduces neuronal response in the regions of the brain that promote the feeling of pleasure from eating, food motivation, and food anticipation. These are all significant components of why many people overeat.

4. Sweet Dreams

You’ve no doubt had that day when you seem to be endlessly hungry and constantly reaching for snacks to keep you going.

More than likely, one commonality occurred preceding a day like that: you barely slept the night before. When you’re tired, your body craves more sustenance just to get through the day. It can make controlling your appetite impossible!

To control your appetite for good, you need to sleep well, consistently.

5. Find New Ways to Relax

Just like with a lack of sleep, stress has a way of making you eat more than usual. While we cannot always control the things that stress us, we can control our responses.

Here are a few ideas to destress and control your appetite:

  • Try a new strain of cannabis if you live in a medical or recreational use state (Veriheal has an excellent article pertaining to cannabis strain information.)
  • Take up journaling, like the diary you kept as a kid, only for adults. It lets you release pent-up feelings that keep you stressed.
  • Engage in deep breathing exercises. It doesn’t have to be anything special, just give yourself time to breathe in and out.


While you should always eat when your body tells you it’s hungry, it can be easy to overdo it at times.

Follow these five tips for controlling your appetite and you’ll learn to eat when you need to, not just when you want to.