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3 Best Tips to Succeed in Your Wedding Proposal


Asking for the hand of your partner in marriage is one of the things that many eventually have to do. Whether you and your significant other had met during college or through a popular dating application, you want to make the love stick forever. But as you may very well know, proposing can be a colossal undertaking. And to make this long-awaited moment of yours go smoothly, we’ll cover a few tips that should help you achieve the intended outcome once you go down on a knee and propose to your better half.

  1. Ensure that you’re both of one mind

It might sound obvious, but prior to making any plans, you must first make sure that you’re both on the same page when it comes to marriage. Next, try talking to her about your future. Be sure to let her know that you want to eventually get married and ask whether she aspires to the same future. If you’re worried that the conversation might come out like too much of a proposal, you can keep the topic broad, like discussing the recent engagement of a friend or family member. It might not be easy to talk about, but taking the time to do so will give you a much better idea of how your significant other will react when you pop your question.

2. Get the ideal engagement ring

The ring you choose to get for your sweetheart is the one jewelry piece that she’ll wear for her entire life. For this reason, you must try to figure out what she’ll love. It may sound not very easy, but it’s much simpler than you think. For starters, you can take pictures of the jewelry she usually wears. You can also look into her Pinterest board and seek the assistance of her closest friends and family members. It’s also worth familiarizing yourself with engagement rings, from the different shapes of diamonds to the cut and clarity of the stones. Doing so will help guide you to make an informed decision on the ideal engagement ring to get.

3. Remain flexible

Things can get in the way of your proposal, no matter how much planning and preparation has gone into it, so try to remain as flexible as possible. Don’t be afraid to push the proposal back if the moment doesn’t feel right. For example, if the weather isn’t as cooperative as you hoped it would be or if your partner is stressed out from her day at work, it’s worth considering popping the question for another day. After all, you’re far more likely to create a memorable experience for yourselves by doing so.


In many ways, the proposal is just as important as the wedding celebration itself, so it pays to make sure that it all goes well. If you follow the abovementioned tips, not only will you improve your odds of getting a resounding yes from your partner, but it’ll also allow you to make the moment more special.

Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/ring-engagement-wedding-2179959/