Home Sports Wrestling’s Not Just for Show: It’s an Olympic Standard

Wrestling’s Not Just for Show: It’s an Olympic Standard


Whenever most people see the word ‘wrestling’, it’s safe to say they probably think of WWE superstars. Who could blame them? However, the Olympic side of wrestling is quickly getting more fans invested in the sport.

The Tokyo Games in 2021 were triumphant for many reasons. However, they were particularly spectacular for the US wrestling team. The Summer Games produced an impressive haul for Team USA’s wrestling stars, with nine medals combined.

That’s a pretty good showing for our men and women in the ring. Does this mean that we can expect two types of wrestling fans moving forward?

Why Do These Olympic Results Matter?

Wrestling fans may well cross over between the showboating of WWE and TNA Impact and the Olympic gold rush. The 2021 haul was particularly noteworthy as it was Team USA’s best performance over four Summer Games.

Between 2008 and 2016, USA Wrestling managed to claim 11 medals across three Summer Games. However, in 2021 alone, Team USA brought home almost 90% of that total. That’s nothing short of an incredible performance.

Of course, wrestling fans know that ring performance requires more than just acting prowess. In both PPV wrestling and on the international stage, strength and dexterity are everything.

What 2021’s results prove is that wrestling is not only a stunning spectacle, it’s also worthy of high praise. The USA is producing some of the most talented wrestlers on the world stage right now. 

Wrestling Fans Know the Score

Those who are hardly into their wrestling may claim that WWE fans are unlikely to follow the Olympic standard. But let’s give you all some credit. We now have statistics to suggest that wrestling fans are amongst the sharpest tools in the box.

If recent studies are worth their weight, wrestling fans are likely aware of how far the medium stretches. HowtoBet commissioned a team of psychologists to test the intelligence of over 1000 sports fans. These fans were tested for their verbal intelligence (things like reading, writing, and comprehension), mathematical skills, and logical reasoning.

The results reveal that WWE fans, in particular, have higher IQs than fans of other sports. You may have known that all along, of course! The Smartest US Sports Fans, a study conducted by HowToBet.com  suggests that fans of Roman Reigns are likely to be the cleverest.

But what’s that got to do with Olympics results? It means that – if wrestling fans are of high intelligence – they may well enjoy many pursuits. The best part is, given the US results in Tokyo, there’s been no better time to enjoy both TV wrestling and ‘the real deal’.

Real, fake, it doesn’t matter. Wrestling takes a lot of prowess, and it’s great to see Team USA bringing home champions. If you’re finding the latest season of storylines a bit wearing – why not take a look at the professional circuit? If you’re a wrestling fan, now’s the time to enjoy it from all kinds of angles.