Home Business Online Crypto Gambling: Cool Facts and Figures

Online Crypto Gambling: Cool Facts and Figures


Online crypto gambling is quickly becoming a popular way to bet and win. Why? Because cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin make transactions super secure and anonymous. This is why many internet casinos are adding them to the list of accepted currencies for deposits, payouts, and withdrawal requests.

There are some things that you need to know about playing with bitcoins before getting involved in it. If you’re considering making a deposit, trying your chances of getting a Coinslotty bonus, or just want to know more, this article has you covered.


What is Online Crypto Gambling?

Internet crypto gaming is a form of gaming that uses cryptocurrencies as betting tokens. This type of gaming is growing in popularity because it offers a number of advantages over traditional playing methods. These advantages include:

  • Anonymity: When you gamble with cryptocurrencies on the internet, you do so anonymously. This means that you don’t have to provide any personal information to the casino, and your transactions are completely private.
  • Security: Cryptocurrencies are incredibly secure, and they offer a high level of security for internet gaming transactions. This means that you can rest assured that your funds are safe and secure when you gamble.
  • Convenience: Playing with cryptos is incredibly convenient. Access to it is available for you from any place in the world, you will just need an Internet connection.
  • Transparency: When you gamble online using cryptocurrencies, it’s easy to verify your results because the blockchain provides a clear and transparent record of all transactions. This means that neither party can cheat or manipulate the betting system for their own benefit.
  • Low Fees: Internet cryptocurrency gaming has very low transaction fees, which means that you can make more money when you win. If you live in a high-tax area, this could be the ideal way for you to gamble because it will allow you to keep more of your earnings.
  • Governmental Regulations: Cryptocurrency gaming is largely unregulated because cryptocurrencies are not issued by central banks, which means that there are no specific laws or regulations that govern crypto gaming. This also means that playing with cryptos is completely anonymous.

For these reasons, the internet cryptocurrency gaming industry has grown to become worth estimated billions of US dollars. There are dozens of cryptocurrencies dedicated to this particular purpose, including PotCoin and SafeCoin, among others.

How Online Crypto Gambling Differs from the Traditional one

One of the main ways that internet cryptocurrency gaming differs from traditional gambling is that it offers a greater level of anonymity and privacy. With traditional playing, you have to provide personal information in order to create an account and deposit funds. But with internet cryptocurrency gaming, you can anonymously bet and win using cryptocurrencies. This makes it a more secure and private way to gamble.

Another way that internet playing with cryptos differs from traditional gaming is that it offers a wider variety of games. With traditional playing, you typically only have a few choices when it comes to casino games. But with online cryptocurrency gaming, you can choose from a wide variety of games, including poker, blackjack, roulette, and slots. This makes internet playing with cryptos more fun and exciting way to bet.

A third cool fact is that it offers the ability to play for free. With traditional gaming, you can’t bet or win if you don’t pay an entry fee. But with internet cryptocurrency playing, you can play games for free and win by using simulators, which makes it more accessible and fun for everyone.

Cool Facts and Figures about Online Crypto Gambling

Online gaming is an activity in which you can win money by predicting the outcome of something, like sports or elections. It includes betting against other players (like poker) and placing bets on specific events (like fantasy football pools).

Online playing with cryptos works similarly, except that instead of using “real” currency to buy in, you use cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are a kind of digital money that exists only in cyberspace.

Online crypto gaming is becoming increasingly popular, thanks to the advantages that crypto offers over traditional currency. Here are some cool figures about this market: 

  1. Online crypto gambling is a multi-billion dollar industry.
  2. In 2021, revenues from internet playing with cryptos grew by 36%.
  3. The сoolest thing about online crypto gambling? You can gamble with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and many other cryptocurrencies.
  4. Internet crypto gambling has seen a 100% year-over-year growth as more and more people become aware of it.
  5. Some experts estimate an annual income of $150 million from the industry by 2023.
  6. In 2021, global online gambling revenue was estimated at $69.3 million.
  7. Cryptocurrency gambling accounted for just $24.1 million of this revenue in 2021 but is expected to reach $31.9 million by 2023.
  8. Between 2017 and 2020, cryptocurrency gaming grew at a rate of almost 350%.
  9. The biggest markets for cryptocurrency gambling are the US and China, but other countries are starting to catch on.

Final Thoughts

Internet crypto gambling may be one of the most innovative and progressive industries in the world. Rather than using traditional currencies, online gamblers can use cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum to place a wager on their favorite casino game without having to deal with costly transaction fees or delays. In fact, you’ll find that many popular casinos offer deposit bonuses for players who choose these types of transactions as well! 

This new form of currency is not only convenient but secure; it has never been easier to gamble at your own pace while also enjoying some peace of mind knowing that your funds are safe from fraudsters. As long as people continue to enjoy playing games such as poker or dice, there will always be an appetite for this type of service provided by companies specializing in internet crypto gambling.