Home Texas How to Beat Math Phobia?

How to Beat Math Phobia?


Math phobia or anxiety is real, and it is quite common in students as they struggle with difficult concepts and calculations. Because of this, students lack the motivation to work on their mathematical problems, and therefore, this leads to failing tests and exams. This further worsens the situation and leads to negative self-talk, anxiety, and depression. Although some students are able to handle this situation by looking for maths worksheets to hone their skills and overcome their math phobia, there are still many other ways that can help you beat math phobia.

If you want to work on your math phobia symptoms and overcome math anxiety, we’ve listed several effective ways in this article. Keep reading!

1.    Get Help from a Math Tutor or Mentor

With competence comes confidence, which is crucial for beating math phobia. If you struggle to understand some difficult math concepts, you can always look for a math tutor or mentor to help you with your struggles, and the phobia will be gone.

A mentor will not only walk you through the basic concepts of math but will also point out your weaknesses. This way, you will feel confident about your abilities, and you will be able to ace tests.

2.    Make Math Fun

Sometimes, math can seem like a daunting and tedious subject that can exacerbate your anxiety. Therefore, it’s important to look at the fun side of math.

For instance, you should relate math with real-life situations to help you with your math difficulties. You can also join a math study group where all of you can share your problems and find solutions.

Moreover, you can find plenty of online math games. They will challenge you to perform your best in order to get a high score.

3.    Practice Math Everyday

Practice makes a man perfect. This is 100% true in the case of math. You can’t memorize math problems, instead, you need to have a thorough understanding of different concepts to be applied to different questions.

Practicing doesn’t mean that you have to do math 24/7. You should only dedicate around 2 hours every day to math. As you practice math, you will be able to spot your weaknesses and find solutions to problems which you would have only encountered in an exam.

4.    Regularly Attend Your Math Classes

Most of the time, you learn new tricks or ways to solve a math question from your math school teacher, which isn’t even mentioned anywhere online or in your textbooks.

That’s why it’s vital for you to attend all the math classes regularly and make sure you never miss a single class, as you will also be able to know the questions that are likely to come in an exam or quiz and the ways to tackle them.

5.    Get Organized

Knowing that you have all the math resources and study notes well-organized with you will save you a lot of stress and time when an important test or final exam is approaching.

Hence, you must keep all the formulas, a list of math vocabulary, theorems, and important class notes in one place. This will allow you to practice math easily and effectively, and you won’t probably feel math anxiety.