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How is Gamification Important in eLearning?


An LMS that offers gamification elements helps in enhancing developmental skills and creates engaging learning experiences. With gamification, the managers can motivate the learners by incentivizing with leaderboards and badges. Organizations are attempting to use game-like incentives to encourage the employees, improve training sessions, and build strong teams.

Attention span decreases with the increasing workload, thus, gamification plays a vital role in making the eLearning process exciting and motivational for the learners. Gamification makes learning fun and engaging.

The Millennials are toping in the workplace; those born in the 1980s and 1990s are now established in the workforce. They have grown up with computers, mobiles, gaming, and social media. For instance, the Thought Industries eLearning platform enables it to create a modern and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to handle complex learning operations.

Some of the gamification elements used in LMSs are mentioned below:

  •     Reward Point – Learners can earn points for completing assignments, taking part in discussions, and share knowledge, and more.  
  •     Accomplished reward badges – The reward badges get displayed on leaderboards and also when the learners are interacting in forums and messaging applications.
  •     Levels – Once the learner completes the task and scores the required points in a game, the learner gets entitled to a higher level. As the learner reaches the higher level, he unlocks the key to the more challenging tasks and this process validates the learner’s progress in the game.
  •     Progress Bar – With the completion of every task and assignment of the learner the bar moves in tandem and jumps forward. The progress bar indicates what the learner has accomplished and how much is yet to be completed.
  •     Comparing on Leaderboards – Leaderboards show the names and points of the learners that calibrate progress. The front runners earn bragging rights and status when displayed on leaderboards.
  •     Offer Rewards – The efforts and progress of the learners are acknowledged by rewarding them. An LMS that supports gamification has reward schedules and rules that can be tweaked to provide flexibility to the courses hosted.

The gamification improves learning engagement, retention, and makes learning more interactive and fun. It enables learners to learn through interactive stories using audiovisuals, text animations, presentations, tracking progress, team building activities, etc.

Benefits of Gamification in eLearning:

  •     Better Engagement

Gamification serves to motivate people and drive employee engagement. If your learners are not interacting with your LMS or are unproductive and underperforming doing so, it’s high time you change your learning method. Gamification is the easiest way to garner buy-in and engage the learners where they enjoy what they are doing in the system.

  •     Improved Learner Experience

With better Gamification elements the learners will keep coming back. Everyone loves watching stars, badges, and rewards. LMS with gamification features improves the learner experience which encourages the learner to come back for the training.

  •     Better Retention

Learners who take the valuable information successfully help in improving their performance. Creating a course with some healthy competition with leaderboards, badges, and contests drives retention. When learners enjoy what they doing and learning it becomes more memorable and important.

  •     Company Learning Culture

When companies put in place gamification in business and corporate training, it sends a message to the learners that they care about their learning experience and want them to enjoy the training. The learners, who are engaged, routinely take part in contests, and enjoy the training are more likely to complete the course and master the skills.

Gamified learning programs have taken the learners from being happy to retaining knowledge to achieve the goal. Gamification in eLearning with elements like badges, points, leaderboards, rewards, and contests will maintain a healthy competition along with keeping the learners happy and engaged. It is highly recommended to check the LMSs free trials to test all the gamification features. Only then choose the learning platform that suits your requirements.