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Putin claims Western powers want to destroy Russia, warns of NATO’s nuclear capabilities

Vladimir Putin claims that the West wants to destroy Russia, warns of NATO’s nuclear capabilities, and claims his people may not survive.

Vladimir Putin Yesterday he accused the West of wanting to liquidate Russia, claiming his people might not survive.

Russian president says Western powers want to dismantle Russia, Moscow has no choice but to dismantle it Natotake into account the nuclear capabilities of

Putin told state television channel Rossiya 1:

Putin has repeatedly used the claim that the West wants to liquidate Russia to justify attacking Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a wreath laying ceremony at the Eternal Flame and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Gardens in Moscow.

“They have one goal: to dismantle the former Soviet Union and its fundamental part, the Russian Federation,” Putin said in an interview taped on Wednesday and broadcast yesterday.

Putin, who appeals to nationalist sentiments, said that if the West succeeds in destroying Russia, “ethnic groups like the Russians may not survive in the form they exist today.”

“There will be Muscovites, Urals and others,” he said of a possible split in Russia. claimed.

Putin made the remarks while justifying Russia’s withdrawal from the New START Treaty, which seeks to limit the number of nuclear warheads held by the United States and Russia.

He said the suspension stemmed from Russia’s need to “ensure its security and stability.”

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11796011/Putin-claims-West-wants-destroy-Russia-warns-Natos-nuclear-capabilities.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490 Putin claims Western powers want to destroy Russia, warns of NATO’s nuclear capabilities

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