Lawmakers missed the midnight deadline for the Ten Commandments bill

TEXAS — A bill that would require the Ten Commandments to be posted in all classrooms in Texas public schools was stalled after lawmakers missed Wednesday’s midnight deadline to vote. The Senate passed the bill last week.

Proponents of Senate Bill 1515 argue that the Ten Commandments are more than just religious texts, believing they give students a moral basis for judging right from wrong.

The final day of Congress is May 29, so the bill could resurface until then. However, this round will be an even more difficult task.

Another religious freedom bill would allow public school and charter school boards to approve time set aside for Bible reading and prayer, as long as it doesn’t replace class time on campus. Senate Bill 1396 also passed the Senate.

Senator Phil King wrote the two bills, which he said would expand religious freedom he felt was “lost.” Lawmakers missed the midnight deadline for the Ten Commandments bill

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